Tag: America First

Home America First
Free trade, American manufacturing, America First, NAFTA, tariffs, WTO, Trump, autarky,

We Were Right About Tariffs

Trump is again preparing to use tariffs to maximize America’s leverage and expand its deal-making options. Tariffs can (and will) be used to promote an America First trade agenda.

America First

America First

In this 1996 essay, the late Congressman James Traficant illustrates the Washington establishment’s habitual subordination of America to foreign interests.

Kevin McCarthy’s War Against MAGA

Kevin McCarthy’s War Against MAGA

Republican House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy joined Mitch McConnell in sabotaging his own side to keep America First candidates out of office. No one is more responsible for the failure of a midterm 'red wave' to arrive.

Warren Harding and FDR

Warren Harding and FDR

Warren G. Harding sought a peaceful world; Franklin D. Roosevelt deceived the nation into total war. No two U.S. presidents were more diametrically opposed on the issues.

America First

America First

In this 1996 essay, the late Congressman James Traficant illustrates the Washington establishment’s habitual subordination of America to foreign interests.