VDARE Case Another Example of New York’s Weaponization of the Law

Among the amusements of New York Attorney General Letitia James, when she is not honoring her campaign promise to destroy Donald Trump, is harassing and financially bankrupting Peter and Lydia Brimelow and their VDARE Foundation, located in Berkeley Springs, West Virginia. Peter and Lydia made the disastrous mistake of registering their foundation in very blue New York state and have been suffering the consequences ever since.  Letitia as the “defendant” in a costly legal case is demanding all kinds of confidential information from the Brimelows, charging them with running a white nationalist outfit that should come under state scrutiny. Their unwillingness to divulge lists of donors and well-wishers is costing the plaintiffs $250 per day. It seems the VDARE Foundation directors are in violation of a court subpoena demanding the surrender of confidential information.

Making matters even worse is the difficulty of gathering relevant data from Google, whose information service is no more honest than one that might have been run by Stalin’s lackeys. Anyone who ventures online in search of enlightenment is flooded with “objective” reports from Google’s preferred news sources, for example, Southern Poverty Law Center and their perpetually shrill feature, Hatewatch. Further, someone who is not already familiar with the problem from other sources would assume that Peter and Lydia, and probably their children, are unhinged Nazis. These miscreants, it would seem, spend their days and nights inciting hate against all designated minorities and only pretend to be serving an educational function. Not only are we confronted here with an ideologically crazed attorney general but with malicious lies claiming to be “facts.”

What is happening to the Brimelows exemplifies the kind of lawfare that the same cast of characters are now waging against Trump. Letitia James has been involved in both adventures up to her eyeballs. Moreover, the fake media can always be counted on to push the charges that the Left wishes to unload against its critics. In a sense the VDARE Foundation is collateral damage in the left’s war to silence particularly offensive opposition, with the help of its media handmaidens, cooperative judges, and state prosecutors. This offensive is not going to stop until the left meets with a comparably powerful counterforce. But unfortunately, that still hasn’t happened, and I’m not holding my breath until it does in New York state.

In assigning blame for this kind of persecution, there is one group that Conservative, Inc. always lets off scot-free—and does so much to my annoyance. It is the voters who give majority support to such scoundrels as Letitia James, Alvin Bragg, and all those “Soros district attorneys” whom Fox News never treats as what they are, which is elected officials. These “public servants” just don’t sneak into their jobs unbeknownst to the public. They owe their elections to the “people” and often win by whopping majorities, as was the case with James after she adopted the platform of destroying the leader of the opposition party. 

New York state is not accidentally saddled with the unfortunate leadership of Bragg and James. It is getting exactly what the majority of voters there wanted, and they fully deserve the murder and mayhem that they’ve brought on themselves. Let the others move out of blue strongholds if they can! Certain places in this country have become politically toxic; and the sooner we recognize that situation, the better it is for the sane remnant.

 As I pointed out in a commentary first posted in Chronicles and then reposted on VDARE,  James obtained her present high post in a landslide election in 2018. It was already clear by then that destroying Trump was the number-one issue in her successful campaign; and the New York attorney general has not been shy about revealing her intentions since then. Going after conservatives whose views on immigration don’t meet with her approval is simply a minor pleasure in her overarching purpose, which is destroying whatever displeases her and her millions of voters through lawfare.

In February of this year, James managed to win a legal case against the National Rifle Association (NRA), another longtime leftist target, on what seem highly questionable corruption charges leveled against its leadership. James’s announced purpose in this matter was to dissolve a hated “gun lobby” organization. That case is being appealed (as it should be) but given the shrinking membership and dwindling finances of the organization involved, the NRA will have problems rebounding. Meanwhile James has pulled out all the stops moving against the Trump family and their property holdings in New York City. Here too she’s carrying out the promises she made as a candidate and which a majority of New York voters presumably endorse.

As I said, those who vote for the lunatics “protecting our democracy” in New York state fully deserve all the dire consequences of their choices. May those consequences continue to fall on the heads of these voters!    

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