The Racial Hatred Behind Anti-Trump Extremism

Donald Trump is unique among American politicians in that he gets blamed when somebody tries to kill him. His opponents are driven by a relentless, violent urge that brooks no restraint and is almost beyond accounting. What explains this madness?

The short answer is that Trump is purported to be a “racist,” even though there is no real evidence to support the claim. If anything, Trump’s support has expanded among Hispanic and black men. But Trump is racist by today’s standards. What that means is that he does not bow to the gods of diversity, open borders, and replacement migration. In short, he doesn’t share or promote the leftist establishment’s unhinged hatred of white people.

This is the real reason for the hyperbole of Trump opponents, who in the hours and days before the second attempted assassination of Trump had reverted to calling him Hitler. In fact, NBC’s Lester Holt, another “serious journalist” unmasked by Trump to be a fraud, tied his immigration rhetoric to Sunday’s shooting in Florida, as if to suggest Trump himself had provoked the attack. Never mind that we know the shooter, who survived, is an anti-Trump lunatic who imbibed the left’s rhetoric about Trump being a “threat to democracy.”

Trump did not provoke the attempt on his life, and he did not cause tensions in Springfield, Ohio. What he did do is acknowledge the suffering of the locals there, who have had their community turned upside down in the span of a few short years.

Trump violated a major taboo by suggesting that migrants brought harm, rather than bestowing the community with their benevolent good. He went a step further by claiming that some of the thousands of people who have poured into Springfield might have preserved savage habits. To a leftist ideologue, to accuse them of “eating cats” is an unconscionable blood libel. To people with common sense, it is a plausible story that hits on the basic truth that America is not  the Third World, and Third Worlders do not magically become American just by moving here.

If hard proof emerged of migrants eating cats, the left would pivot to say that tolerating the eating of cats is the American way. The important point is that migrants are more or less magical. Towns like Springfield need them to be healed of their horrid “whiteness.” The people who have lived in Springfield for generations may feel differently, but that is of no consequence. They are the past. How can they possibly object to being culturally enriched? And how dare Trump whip up their ignorance and resentment. Doesn’t he know that infinity migrants is the future?

One of the roles commonly attributed to Trump is that of a revelator. He has exposed the left as agents of racialist terror. They use the mass media to whip up racial resentments and conspiracy theories, while accusing Trump of doing the same when he and his supporters notice it. They use federal immigration policy as a biological weapon, wiping entire communities off the map, and then accuse Trump of promoting ethnic cleansing. They manipulate the courts to crush any dissidents who would object to replacement migration, like Trump, and intellectuals at publications like VDare, as they accuse Trump of harboring autocratic ambitions. Their end goal could not be clearer: total and permanent racial subjugation.

That’s not the American way. It’s tyranny, and the inversion of an older hierarchy.

Trump is not “pro-white,” as some avowed white supremacists will complain. But he is not anti-white either, and that’s enough to make him public enemy number one. This is the reason he has been impeached twice, indicted four times, and now blamed for a second attempt on his own life. For many on the left, Trump’s political advocacy makes him inhuman. He has committed the ultimate crime by standing up for his mostly white supporters, the “deplorable” trash Americans are supposed to hate.

Millions of Americans have been sent a sobering message: if Trump loses, they could be next on the chopping block. Springfield is merely an extreme example of a process underway all across America. The people in Springfield did not vote for the misery that has beset them, but they are getting it good and hard, anyway.

A Trump victory is still a good bet because the “racism” charge has lost its bite, and Trump has clarified the stakes like nobody else could. The left is prepared to plunge America into chaos to stop this one man and his popular movement. He will get millions of votes from people who do not like him—who find him quite crude and uncouth and yet see him as the alternative to this other entity, this hateful presence that wishes death on them and the America they love.

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