Who or What Now Governs America?

Victor Davis Hanson comments on Joe Biden “closing up shop at noon for his nap and early bedtime,” and Kamala Harris, the “incompetent and hopeless wannabe California radical.” That prompts the historian to wonder, “so, again, who or what now governs America?” and could our “real rulers be the stealth cabal of Democratic grandees and billionaire donors who arranged the Biden presidency?” These are pressing questions, and recent years have provided us with key clues. Consider, for example, the “The Obama Factor,” David Samuels’s August 2, 2023 interview with David Garrow.

In 2017, Garrow, a Pulitzer Prize winner, revealed that Dreams from My Father was a novel, not an autobiography or a memoir. “He wants people to believe his story,” Garrow told Samuels. But “for me to conclude that Dreams from My Father was historical fiction—oh God, did that infuriate him.”

The Dreams author, Garrow wrote, was a “composite character,” and for Samuels, “there was something about this “fictional character that he created actually becoming president that helped precipitate the disaster that we are living through now.” On Iran policy, for example, “Joe Biden is not running that part of his administration. Obama is. He doesn’t even have to pick up the phone because all of his people are already inside the White House.” And as the liberal Tablet editor explained, the control was far more extensive:

Brett McGurk. Dan Shapiro in Israel. Lisa Monaco in Justice. Susan Rice running domestic policy. It’s turtles all the way down. There are obviously large parts of White House policymaking that belong to Barack Obama because they’re staffed by his people, who worked for him and no doubt report back to him. Personnel is policy, as they say in Washington. Which to me is a very odd and kind of spooky arrangement. Spooky, because it is happening outside the constitutional framework of the U.S. government, and yet somehow it’s been placed off the list of permitted subjects to report on.

For all but the willfully blind, the “Biden-Harris administration” is the composite character’s third term, with a lot of help from his cronies. Consider, for example, CIA boss John Brennan, author of the 2020 Undaunted: My Fight Against America’s Enemies at Home and Abroad. Note the order in the subtitle. The CIA is tasked to deal with foreign adversaries but this author first deploys against enemies “at home.”

Brennan was signatory to the letter of 51 “intelligence community” heavyweights calling the Hunter Biden laptop “Russian disinformation,” which they all knew was untrue. Undaunted touts “Biden’s substantial breadth and political acumen” and Brennan easily qualifies as one of those who “arranged the Biden presidency.”

Like the composite character who selected him, Brennan is also an Islamist apologist. He contends that jihad is “a holy struggle in pursuit of a moral goal” and had nothing to do with “violence” against non-Muslims, a view contradicted by 1400 years of history. For Obama and Brennan, Islam is peaceful and benign, and the true terrorists are the domestic political opposition, people who respect the Constitution and want the U.S. to prosper.

Brennan lets slip that he was an Obama contributor, and “in addition to making financial contributions, I wanted to explore other ways to help him get elected.” Brennan told Clinton intel briefer Anthony Lake “there is something I really admire about Obama and I am interested in helping if I can.” Lake responded,  “He’s the real deal, John, and it would be great if you could help his campaign by sharing your intelligence and counterterrorism experience.”

Brennan claims he only “cursorily scanned” Dreams from My Father when it appeared in 1995 but had another go in the run-up to the 2009 inauguration. “Aside from the high quality of the writing,” Brennan explains, “I was struck by the deep thought he had given to national and international issues long before he actively pursued the office of the presidency.” In 2020, Brennan fails to note David Garrow’s revelation that the book was a novel, along with sections plagiarized from Ralph Ellison’s Invisible Man and I Dreamed of Africa and African Nights by Italian writer Kuki Gallmann.

Brennan touts CIA officers as the “best experts in the world on al-Qa’ida,” yet the agency failed to prevent the events of September 11, 2001, the worst attack on the United States since Pearl Harbor. On the other hand, the CIA and FBI successfully mounted covert operations against candidate and President Trump. Brennan bundled the Biden laptop with the Russia hoax and that helped prepare the way for the Biden presidency. 

According to former CIA analyst John Gentry, author of Neutering the CIA: Why U.S. Intelligence Versus Trump Has Long-Term Consequences, many intelligence officers

have been involved in “anti-Trump activities.” And as the author notes:

The activism receded markedly after Joe Biden became president in 2021, making it even clearer that the politicization of intelligence was aimed at Trump. The changes in the political loyalties of some IC agencies that triggered the attacks on Trump remain intact. They are available for reactivation in the event of a Trump candidacy or the election of another Republican president.

A serious candidacy by Trump is now going on, so Brennan and company might be gearing up a for a September or October surprise. Also on the active side is former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, who backed Biden in 2020 but recently orchestrated his exit from the ticket. The Art of Power author has a side that most people don’t fully know.

Nancy Pelosi’s “Favorite Stalinist,” as Joshua Muravchik noted, was Harry Bridges, a member of the Communist Party’s central committee and like Davis a de-facto Soviet agent. That was fully known at the time of Bridges’ death in 1990, but in 2001 in the Congressional Record, Rep. Pelosi described the Stalinist as “arguably the most significant labor leader of the twentieth century,” who was “beloved by the workers of this Nation, and recognized as one of the most important labor leaders in the world.”

As Muravchik recalled, Pelosi “delivered a similar encomium to another prominent Bay Area Stalin fan, Vivian Hallinan, whose husband [Vincent Hallinan] was Bridges’ lawyer and the 1952 candidate for president of the Communist-front Progressive party.” The composite character’s favorite Stalinist was closer to home.

The beloved “Frank” in Dreams from My Father is Frank Marshall Davis, who joined the Communist Party during the Stalin Era, and dedicated his life to the all-white dictatorship of the USSR. Obama’s CIA boss John Brennan wanted a Stalinist to be president of the United States.

In 1976, Brennan, then a Fordham University student, voted for Communist Party candidate Gus Hall. That, one might think, disqualified Brennan for an intelligence job, but the CIA hired him in 1980. Then in 2013 the composite character president tapped him to run the place. In 2020 Brennan deployed the agency against domestic “enemies” like President Trump.

According to coincidence theory, these attachments can have nothing to do with support for an administration that stages show trials, imprisons people without trial, quashes free speech, and deploys the organs of the state against the people in the best Stalinist style. The military bosses and heads of federal agencies are basically zampolits, political commissars enforcing ideology.

Are we supposed to believe these connections are pure happenstance? Or would our leftist rule continue under Kamala Harris, the latest front for the composite character and his Islamist-Stalinist-woke junta?

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