More Adults Need to Learn From This North Carolina Teenager’s Courage

Anyone who thinks reports about schoolchildren being sexualized in the classroom are exaggerated needs to think again.

At a school board meeting held in Wake County, North Carolina, last week, a 10th grade teenager bravely shared how she and her classmates were forced by their teacher in an honors English class to read and discuss a graphic, incestuous, pornographic book. In her descriptive statement, this 15-year-old high school student told education officials of her strong discomfortand the discomfort of her peers—when forced to read aloud passages describing fruit as sexual innuendos for female and male sexual organs.

A student coming forward like this is indeed courageous, but also rare. Given the power that teachers have over students and their futures, it is understandable that most students are intimidated and decline to challenge class assignments, even when the curriculum is clearly perverse.

Christian teachers and parents who are fighting to protect schoolchildren from atheistic indoctrination are also under attack from secularists. The bombshell revelation in North Carolina came on the heels of a recent story about Enoch Burke, a Christian teacher in Ireland, who was fired because he refused to use transgender pronouns in his classroom. As reported and recorded in a viral video, Burke was recently arrested because he chose to defy his dismissal on principle and showed up for work as usual. When he returned to the school grounds, he was met by police and hauled off to jail in a paddywaggon.

Burke is not alone in facing a growing trend of discrimination that penalizes Christian teachers who dare stand up against pushing transgenderism on children. In May 2021, a physical education teacher, Tanner Cross, in Loudoun County, Virginia, made the courageous decision to confront his school board about forcing teachers like him to support transgender ideology. As a consequence, Cross, just like Burke, was suspended.

Thanks to legal action, Cross was reinstated. But the intimidation had its effect. When Christian teachers like Burke and Cross are wrongfully punished and have to face repercussions for standing up against this evil agenda, how can young students feel safe to speak up?

The intimidation tactics used to silence and remove Christian teachers are not limited to the classroom. They are used against anyone who dares to speak up.

Recently I traveled to Baltimore to attend a school board meeting, When city officials learned that I was scheduled to speak in defense of struggling black schoolchildren, the city called for an “emergency” and unexpectedly announced that the school board meeting was abruptly canceled. It quickly became clear that the “emergency” in question was me when a number of police officers arrived on the premise to escort me out.

This was not the first time I have been treated as a security threat by local police who have been called upon to surround me. In fact, many will recall how in 2021 the National School Boards Association (NSBA) reached out and engaged the FBI within the Department of Justice to keep parents like me, out of school board meetings.

When a pastor, father, and husband who stands up for decency is bullied and silenced by local officials,  it should raise an  should be alarmedalarm wit governmenthin patriotic Americans. Why are ,resources being used in this way rather than in seeking out true criminals committing real crime?

Theis abuse  governmentof power has only made me more determined to expose those responsible for licensing the perverse agenda to sexualize America’s schoolchildren. For this reason, I have teamed up with TPUSA Faith and put together a documentary titled: 22 Words – Exposing the Loss of Decency in American Education, which will be released this fall and covers many of my school board visits across the nation.

We must continue to put a spotlight on the immoral agenda targeting our children. and we cannot let it go until we reverse course. Exposing the evil agenda to sexualize our schoolchildren is critical to turning back the tide. We need to empower more parents, teachers, and students—like those in North Carolina—to stand up for American values and decency in our education system. Shining light on darkness is always necessary, Luke 12:3 declares: “Therefore whatever you have spoken in the dark will be heard in the light, and what you have spoken in the ear in inner rooms will be proclaimed on the housetops.”

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