Architeuthis dux and the American Deep State

Chosen by Congress as our National Symbol on June 20, 1782, the bald eagle appears on the one dollar bill and on some official documents, flags, and government buildings. On the Great Seal of the United States, the eagle clasps in its right talon an olive branch representing peace while in its left 13 arrows symbolize the unified colonies and preparedness for war. On a yellow ribbon in its beak is a motto of the United States, “E Pluribus Unum” (“Out of Many, One”), above which are 13 stars, again representing the first states.

It was and is a noble and fitting symbol for our nation and its government. In the last century, however, that government has become a leviathan of agencies, institutions, and departments, employing nearly 3 million civilians. Tucked among this conglomeration of bureaucrats is what some today call the “deep state,” agencies which, like the FBI and CIA, seemingly pursue their own agendas. Derided by some as a conspiracy theory, deemed by others a dire threat to our republic, this idea that our administrative state is operating outside the control of elected officials goes back to the warnings delivered by President Dwight D. Eisenhower regarding the military-industrial complex.

Whether the deep state is a multi-departmental conspiracy is debatable, but beyond debate is the fact that agencies of all kinds operate daily with little oversight. They make rules and regulations outside the purview of elected officials, which in essence means that two federal entities now govern the United States.

Given that circumstance, it’s time we designated a creature of nature other than the bald eagle as a symbol for the deep state. Here are my reasons why the giant squid (Architeuthis dux) seems a particularly appropriate emblem for that outfit.

A True Deep Sea Creature

The giant squid lives so deep in the ocean that it is rarely seen alive, appearing only as a carcass when it dies and washes up on a beach. If you’re looking for a creature that symbolizes deep, this squid is as good as it gets.

Rapid Growth

Architeuthis dux lives an average of less than five years, but grows to an enormous size during that brief time, often achieving lengths of 33 feet or more. This “abyssal gigantism,” as it’s called, reflects to a T the explosive growth of the deep state and American bureaucracy in general.

The Eyes Have It

The giant squid’s eyes can grow up to 11 inches wide and are the largest of any creature on the planet. With deep staters like some in the Department of Justice and the intelligence agencies so absorbed in keeping an eye on Americans, tracking them, and chasing down terrorists among pro-lifers and moms protesting school board policies, Architeuthis dux is the perfect reminder that “Big Squid is watching you.”

Missing a Spine

Though its cousin the colossal squid weighs more, in terms of length the giant squid is the largest invertebrate ever to have lived on earth. This lack of a skeleton, particularly the backbone, represents those spineless deep staters who deliberately break the law, then refuse to accept responsibility or answer questions when their misdeeds come to light. 


To conceal themselves when in danger, squid can almost instantaneously change the color and texture of their skin to blend in with their environment. Deep-staters show a similar talent when masking their actions and their beliefs.


Like other cephalopods, giant squid have the ability to release a cloud of black ink into the water, creating a dark veil that allows them to escape predators. The cool, impersonal writing of a deep state functionary, the ink, so to speak, allows a similar escape from personal responsibility for any action. The spoken word works just as well as a means of evasion, especially when hauled before a congressional investigatory committee. “I have no recollection” or “That case is still under investigation” are the clouds of ink dispensed by deep state squids.

Tentacles and Suckers

The arms and tentacles of giant squid account for much of their measured size. Likewise, governments also have long appendages, as in “the long arm of the law.”

Moreover, inside the arms and tentacles of squid are hundreds of small suction cups. Each of these suckers is lined with tiny, sharp teeth. These teeth, the suckers, and the tangle of tentacles attach the squid to its victim.

In our federal bureaucracy, deep-staters in agencies like the Department of Justice and the Internal Revenue Service use these same tools and tactics to ensnare and destroy their victims.

In 2020, Sidney Powell, who at one point was part of Donald Trump’s legal team, had promised to blow the disputed election results wide open by releasing “the Kraken.” Kraken refers to a mythological Norwegian sea monster resembling a giant squid. What Powell failed to realize is that her Kraken was battling that much more powerful cephalopod, the deep state. The contest ended badly for Powell, with her report about a stolen election supposedly debunked.

Kraken is an attention-getter, but the word is just too unfamiliar and exotic to foist off on the deep state gang. Squid, however, strikes just the right note, and the giant squid is the perfect symbol for America’s deep state squid squad.

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