Once again (though it is only the second time), there is a black contender for the Presidency–and it is a glorious moment, for it shows that we are true to ourselves in that we are living up to the most intrinsic promises of our free society, pluralistic democracy, and the Constitution–the sources of all our strengths. The momentousness of this moment, however, is slightly marred by a feeling that, perhaps, Rev. Jesse Jackson is ill suited to bear the standard of the last stage of emancipation. Rev. Jackson belongs to that breed of social activists which was engendered by the 1960’s; as such he confuses rage with strength. But rage is not strength. Historically, candidates for the American Presidency have based their bids on the force of their ideas, arguments, reasoning, explication. Thus, we think that it’s unfortunate that blacks may see as their spokesman, one anointed by hope and extraordinariness, a person who believes more in the power of the scream and frenzy than in that of clear statement and calm judgment.
January 1984April 21, 2022By The Archive

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