Author: Larry Elder (Larry Elder)

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Biden’s Black Lies Matter

Biden’s Black Lies Matter

Joe Biden’s “pep talk” to the graduating students at the historically black Morehouse College was full of the left’s usual uninspiring lies.

The NPR-Listening ‘Elite 1%’

The NPR-Listening ‘Elite 1%’

The publicly subsidized programming of National Public Radio draws a mostly white, high-income earning audience with degrees from elite institutions. It should be no surprise this group trusts government to uphold its interests, given they have the same interests.

Crime Hits Home

Crime Hits Home

When one is victimized by a career criminal, something much more valuable than property is often stolen.

How Can You Befriend a ‘Semi-Fascist’?

How Can You Befriend a ‘Semi-Fascist’?

President Joe Biden recently accused Trump voters of embracing "semi-fascism." Friendships can be forged across partisan lines, but it's rather difficult to befriend a "semi-fascist," isn't it?

Biden Preemptively Questions 2022—But Trump’s a ‘Big Liar’ About 2020

Biden Preemptively Questions 2022—But Trump’s a ‘Big Liar’ About 2020

Former President Donald Trump questions the legitimacy of the 2020 presidential election. For half the country, this makes him a “sore loser” who promotes “conspiracy theories” and pushes “The Big Lie.” But when President Joe Biden in his recent press conference preemptively questions the legitimacy of the 2022 midterm elections, nine months before they even...

Odds and Ends, Ends at Odds

Odds and Ends, Ends at Odds

Why doesn’t President Joe Biden place illegal immigrants in college dorms? They would be around people who love them and want them here. They would get better food, housing and medical care. And they would get a firsthand look at the open-mindedness and tolerance of the young American left. Just as the welfare state changed...

Facebook ‘Whistleblower’ Blows Off the Real Scandal

Facebook ‘Whistleblower’ Blows Off the Real Scandal

Stop the presses: Facebook seeks to maximize profits. Frances Haugen, a former Facebook employee, appeared on “60 Minutes,” where she slammed Facebook, a publicly owned corporation, for “optimizing for content that gets engagement.” In other words, FB tries to keep users on its platform as long as possible to make money, something that a publicly...

Attention L.A. County DA: Where’s the Justice for Murder Victim Michelle Avan?

Attention L.A. County DA: Where’s the Justice for Murder Victim Michelle Avan?

Michelle Avan, a Los Angeles, California, bank executive, was tortured and beaten to death, allegedly by her ex-boyfriend. He faces murder and first-degree robbery charges that, without so-called special circumstances, would allow him, if convicted, to serve less than 10 years. But L.A. County District Attorney George Gascón refuses to permit any special circumstances charges...