Author: Robert G. Holland (Robert G. Holland)

Home Robert G. Holland

Outcome-Based Education

Outcome-Based Education, which has been around awhile under other names, has gradually become Big Education’s main answer to the chorus of cries for “reform” that followed the Department of Education’s publication of the A Nation at Risk report ten years ago. Its bland label is frightfully misleading. If this were a product in the grocery...


“Banding” Together

Race-norming’s likeliest successor is something called “banding.” If you see references to a “diversity-based sliding band,” do not expect to encounter something as agreeable as a Dixieland ensemble. No, the term is only a euphemism for the latest subterfuge to scuttle rank-order selection of top scorers on tests for hiring and promotion. It’s better, you...


Dirty Secrets: Race-Norming Lives On

A year after the nasty secret got out of how race-norming works on the nation’s most widely used job test, the establishment news herd suddenly discovered the story. There were spots on NBC Nightly News and the Today Show, a front-page story in the Washington Post, an editorial in the New York Times, and a...



Washington’s gerrymandering of job seekers’ test scores to comport with egalitarian fantasy has given us a glimpse of the testing center of the future. On university campuses, the proctors will be apostles of Political Correctness. Armed with a high-tech apparatus that can detect signs of brain activity, they will prowl the test centers and activate...