Time’s shining light in the domain of publicistics, Mr. Hugh Sidey, instructs Ronald Reagan on why and how we should be cautious and measured in flexing America’s military muscle:

Twice in the past four decades we miscalculated, and we had war in Korea and Viet Nam.

What did we “miscalculate” in Korea? On June 25, 1950, with no prior indications of an armed conflict, North Korean troops-equipped, trained, and tactically instructed by Soviet supervisors—massively attacked the internationally and legally determined border between the two Koreas and invaded the South. The free world, under America’s leadership, was brutally confronted with a historical fact, coerced to respond, and had not a modicum of other choices but to go to war. The only other available option would have been an unconditional surrender, allowing the despairing South Koreans to be red rather than dead. So how did we miscalculate? What chance did we have to miscalculate anything?
An even more blatant case of precision of idea and style a la Time may be found in its piece on South Dakota’s governor William Janklow, whom Time obviously dislikes because he is a conservative Republican and is effectively bringing prosperity to his state in keeping with conservative and Republican precepts. So here’s how it goes:

Quiet discretion is not his strong suit. Earlier this year the Governor filed two libel suits against publishers because they had repeated an unproven allegation that Janklow raped an Indian teenager in 1967.

It’s hard to understand Time’s peevish grudge. What are they ranting against? That Gov. Janklow, innocent as he may be, tries to defend himself from the poisonous mendacity of the press, for whom Time is a spiritual leader? Do Time’s editors really believe that discretion is meek acknowledgment of mis­deeds one did not commit? Do they ever consult their Webster’s?