California’s September Surprise

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has launched a promotional campaign for California’s Assembly Bill 1840, which would give “undocumented” aliens taxpayer-funded assistance to purchase a home. “What I would like to do is move them to documented,” Pelosi told Bill Maher. “One of the best things we can do for our economy is pass comprehensive immigration reform.” According to Pelosi, the measure was not about free housing but “the American dream being available to more people,” and so on.

In reality, it’s all about bribing California’s imported electorate through corruption and it has received little attention from the establishment media, Congress, and state governments. The back story involves the power of the people to override the power of the government, on display in California’s initiative process.

In 1977, when seniors were being taxed out of their homes, Californians passed

People’s Initiative to Limit Property Taxation, also known as Proposition 13. In 1986, Californians passed Proposition 63, the Official Language of California Amendment, directing the state legislature to preserve the role of English as the state’s common language and refrain from passing laws that diminish the role of English.

In 1996, when California’s state colleges were still rejecting qualified applicants on the basis of their race, Californians passed the California Civil Rights Initiative, also known as Proposition 209, which barred racial and ethnic preferences in state education, employment, and contracting. At a time when native language instruction was harming the prospects of English learners, Californians passed Proposition 227, the English as Required Language of Instruction initiative, which eliminated “bilingual education,” a cover for Spanish-only instruction.

With few exceptions, state Democrats opposed these initiatives and did everything in their power to circumvent the law. Instead of heeding the voice of the people, Democrats sought to override the legitimate votersU.S. citizens—with false-documented illegals. More than 22 million people are illegally present in the United States, according to a 2018 study by scholars at MIT and Yale. For years, Pew Research pegged the figure at 11 million—which is now closer to the number in California alone.

During his fight with the Trump administration’s public-charge rule, then California Attorney General Xavier Becerra displayed a chart reading “California is home to over 10 million immigrants.” That is code for illegals, to whom the state gives protection from deportation and benefits, such as in-state college tuition. In 2013 California passed legislation allowing illegals to get driver’s licenses, and under the state’s “motor voter” program the Department of Motor Vehicles automatically registers them to vote. The program has never been independently audited and Democrats won’t say how many illegals actually voted.

A noncitizen voting is a crime and can render the illegal voter inadmissible to the United States. Green card holders cannot vote and when considering a legal immigrant’s qualifications for a green card, his or her ability to stay off the welfare system—to become a public charge—is taken into account. California welfare and motor voter policies violate these laws.  

In 2016, California secretary of state Alex Padilla refused to comply with a federal probe of voter fraud, and predicted that by 2018  millions of “new” voters would be on the rolls. By March 2018, more than one million illegals received licenses from the DMV, so if anybody thought they all voted it would be hard to blame them. After all, illegals have been voting in local, state, and federal elections for decades. In 1996, illegals cast 784 votes against Republican Robert Dornan in a congressional race Democrat Loretta Sanchez won by only 984 votes. The illegal voters are kept in line by party cadres known as politiqueros, according to an NPR story, these are “campaign workers” involved in “vote stealing.”

As Assistant U.S. Attorney James Sturgis explained, in one Texas town, politiqueros “are being paid to go and essentially round up voters and have them vote a certain way.”  Local politiqueras offered cocaine as bribes, manipulated mail ballots, and registered noncitizens and the dead. Politiquera Herminia Becerra had been doing it for 60 years, and proudly held up pictures of Jimmy Carter, Bill Clinton, and John Kennedy. That explains the “certain way” people were coerced to vote: for Democrats. California’s chief politiquero is Governor Gavin Newsom.

In 2020, the San Francisco Democrat signed legislation to grant Medi-Cal coverage for “undocumented” persons age 50 and older. In 2023 Newsom signed legislation offering government-subsidized health insurance to false-documented illegals of all ages. Lower level poltiqueros leverage the beneficiaries to vote for Democrats, with other bribes and quite possibly the threat of violence. The organizer of the illegal votes against Dornan was Hermandad Mexicana Nacional, funded by California’s Department of Education and headed by Bert Corona, an old-line Stalinist known for violence and billed as the father of the illegal immigration movement

The presence of millions of illegal voters in the U.S. creates reasonable doubt about the outcome of several elections, including Newsom’s victory in the 2021 recall. He avoided the fate of Gray Davis, whom the people successfully recalled in 2003, before Democrats geared up motor voter. This year a Prop 13-like Taxpayer Protection and Government Accountability Act qualified for the ballot but Newsom teamed with former Governor Jerry Brown to remove the measure from the ballot and prevent the people from having their say. So Newsom is now in full triumphal mode.

The coiffed darling of old money San Francisco boasts ties to the Brown and Getty families and was also the one-time nephew of Nancy Pelosi. When Newsom declared the state of emergency in March of 2020, he told the people they were “blessed to have her leadership.” With Nancy the politiquera stumping for illegals, Newsom is bound to sign Assembly Bill 1840 before the end of September, but this is not just about California.

Back in 2014, Vice President Joe Biden declared that “11 million undocumented aliens are already Americans, in my view.” So they should all get green cards and “let people vote.” On his first day in the White House, Biden destroyed the southern border and has since greenlighted the entry of some 10 million illegals—approximately the population of Portugal or Greece—with no criminal background checks. According to Nancy Pelosi, this is all about comprehensive immigration reform and extending the American dream, and has nothing to do with the 2024 election. For all but the willfully blind, it’s all about keeping a woke-leftist junta in power under a rebranded female figurehead.

When Biden picked Kamala Harris for his running mate, Newsom tapped Alex Padilla to replace her. The senator nobody voted for now wants to link voter registration to “free tax preparation” by the government, especially for “people with limited English.” It’s an expansion of motor voter with the goal of extending the imported electorate nationwide. The last four years give some idea of what that would look like, but if anybody thought it would be progressively worse it would be hard to blame them.

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