I was pleased to see the article in the November Chronicles by Justin Raimondo on Charles A. Lindbergh, Sr. Lindbergh stands with William Jennings Bryan and Louis McFadden, who also made control of the money supply by private interests an issue in public debate. Bryan, Lindbergh, and McFadden are all swept under the rug by conventional economists, who prefer their pretty theories to the reality of money as an instrument of power for which men conspire, often by foul means, the same as men conspire, often by foul means, to elect presidents or to control armies.
Benjamin Franklin, Alexander Hamilton, John Calhoun, Alexander Del Mar, Pope Pius XI, and Murray Rothbard all knew about the conspiratorial realit}’ of money. But our contemporary academics, with their heads in the clouds, still preach that money is a “technical” and “complicated” subject, much too arcane for a public discussion about its role in the orchestration of war, famine, genocide, destruction of cultures and nations, political correctness, and the New World Order to make a few rich and powerful.
Raimondo’s article mentions two of Lindbergh’s books, Why Your Country Is at War and The Economic Pinch, but omits reference to his greatest work, Banking and Currency and the Money Trust, published as a polemic against the Federal Reserve Act of 1913. In this latter work, Lindbergh struggled without much success to state a coherent theory of paper money, but then explained the origins of the American Civil War: It was, he said, cunningly induced by domestic and international financiers to run up a huge national debt, represented by bonds which were monetized by legislation to finance the war; the design of this legislation gave them control over banking and currency in the United States, under their central reserve banks on Wall Street. The banking cartel on Wall Street was legalized in the Federal Reserve Act over Lindbergh’s heroic opposition. Lindbergh’s insights are neatly verified by statues on banking and currency from 1863 to 1913, and touch the main reality of American politics since Lee’s surrender at Appomattox.
—John Remington Graham St-Agapit, Quebec
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