Maureen Dowd, who once gushed over Elon Musk, now gives in to her Trump derangement and renounces her former self.
Tag: Tom Wolfe
Tom Wolfe
August 22, 2024August 26, 2024Web
Where are Today’s Athlete Journalists?
The golden age of American journalism featured men of great athletic ability. That they are missing today speaks volumes about why our journalism is so boring.
January 5, 2024January 5, 2024Web
Scenes from a Marriage
Bradley Cooper’s Maestro offers an artful examination of questions and contradictions posed by a marriage that was full of them.
December 1, 2023December 1, 2023Web
A Not So Radical Documentary
Ironically, a new documentary about Tom Wolfe, “Radical Wolfe,” lacks the radical thrust it laments is missing today and that Wolfe himself had.
November 1, 2022December 14, 2022Under the Black Flag, Columns
Good Writers, Complicated Lives
Quality of writing is no longer the standard for literature, as the busybodies of the left go about canceling all our best authors for their various sins of political incorrectness.