To be on the left is to be humorless. This makes sense when you consider how the left views the world as a perpetual occasion for an oppression fest, where the clock is ticking on their quest to free all the world’s intersectional victims before the climate apocalypse kills everyone. Sure, in line with their Manichean, comic-book ideology, they take an adolescent delight in hypocritically bullying everyone who dissents from their disordered views, and they equally detest and fear those opponents who give back in return to them more than they get. This is especially so if the opponent uses humor to buttress the case for dissent with ridicule.
It is why the left loathes and fears people like Evan Sayet. It is with good reason. Consider his remarks about his latest book, Magic Soup, Typing Monkeys, and Horny Aliens from Outer Space: The Patently Absurd Wholly Unsubstantiated and Extravagantly Failed Atheist Origin Myth: “Trying to litigate against atheism is like trying to litigate against the Emperor’s clothes; atheism needs to not just be disproved but ridiculed for the patent absurdity that it is.”
Sayet proves more than equal to the task.
A stand-up comic who has written for television shows such as Politically Incorrect w/Bill Maher, Evan Sayet has tested and proven his mettle as a political observer and activist. Behind the scenes, Sayet has counseled and penned speeches for presidential candidates and, eventually, a president. Further, risking his livelihood in the leftist-controlled entertainment industry, Sayet has courageously and continually expressed his trenchant insights on television and with the written word. He has not shied away from rich targets for his pointed wit, no matter how powerful.

As an author, his first two non-fiction books, The KinderGarden of Evil: How a Liberal Thinks and Why He’s Convinced That Ignorance Is Bliss and The Woke Supremacy: An Anti-Socialist Manifesto, Sayet accomplished a difficult “hat trick” of producing books that are informative, entertaining, and alarming. Sayet packs no less of an intellectual punch in this latest effort in which he seeks to obliterate the atheist origin myth.
Sayet explained the trenchant insight that inspired his critique of militant atheism. Ironically, it was an insight from the benighted world of politics: namely, it is best to stop defending yourself against the left’s lies, and instead go on the offensive, attacking the left with the truth:
There are other books that attempt to make the case for God’s existence. The problem with the others, in my opinion, is that they take atheism too seriously. With atheism, there is simply no ‘there,’ there … Atheists can ridicule but they cannot refute. They can tell you that they are the ones who ‘believe in science,’ but, when it comes time for them to offer the science that they say they believe in, all they can do is revert to ridiculing the beliefs of others.
Sayet refuses to let the atheists off the intellectual hook, even skewering them with science to salt the wound. Starting with teleological arguments of Intelligent Design and “Fine-Tuning,” and, ultimately, in his own inimitable fashion moving on to St. Thomas Aquinas’ “Five Ways” (Quinque Viae from the Summa Theologiae): (1) argument from motion, (2) argument from efficient cause, (3) argument from necessary being, (4) argument from gradations of goodness, and (5) argument from design. Sayet employs all of these methods and more to demonstrate the existence of God.
In his book, he puts the deceitful militant atheists on notice:
That these [militant atheist] lies are then sold to a trusting public as “settled science,” with their mere questioning instantly rendering one a “religious zealot” to be rejected out of hand, feared and righteously silenced, makes these lies only that much more egregious—and dangerous—still …
What you will find in these coming pages is that, far from the Atheists having answered all of the “Big Questions” about creation and design, they haven’t even the first clue as to even a single part of even one of them. It’s not that they don’t know the science; it’s that they don’t like what the science shows …
Science—real science—requires more than just the mere rejection of a hypothesis that one doesn’t personally care for. Science—real science—requires an alternative hypothesis that better answers the various questions posed by the reality of our existence. Not only have the Atheists failed to offer a better hypothesis than that of Intelligent Design; after ten thousand years, they are still yet to offer even a theory.
Thus, does Sayet proceed to plumb the shallow depths of militant atheists’ theological Sitz bath, and he drowns them with the proofs for God’s existence.
Again, what exponentially increases the power of Sayet’s argument is that he understands something fundamental about the post-modern debate over God’s existence: for the left, it is not a scientific inquiry; it is a political crusade.
Supporting this insight, consider this passage from his book wherein he debunks the militant atheists’ “consensus gambit” and reveals their contempt for science at the expense of politics during the implosion of theories of Darwinism and “Neo-Darwinism”:
What made Gould and Eldredge “traitors” wasn’t that they had somehow betrayed science; it was that, once again, science had betrayed Atheism. Gould was supposed to be a “good soldier” like Lewontin and the army of “We” Lewontin was referring to in his article and just keep the truth to himself for the sake of the Atheists’ ideological jihad.
Obviously, the most important reason for reading Sayet’s Magic Soup, Typing Monkeys, and Horny Aliens from Outer Space: The Patently Absurd Wholly Unsubstantiated and Extravagantly Failed Atheist Origin Myth is theological: namely, to help lead another into acknowledging and embracing God; and, if one already believes in and embraces God, to bolster one’s beliefs and affirmations of God’s existence.
But the political reasons for reading this book must not be overlooked, as Sayet cautions everyone—believers and non-believers alike:
Atheism is not a scientific belief. In fact, it is neither scientific nor a belief. Militant atheism is not an ideology. It is a weapon used by demagogues and would-be revolutionaries to clear the moral path to their rise to power and the godless way in which they intend to rule.
Like the existence of God, the left finds no satisfactory refutation of this political judgement. It is why the humorless left and militant atheists will continue to fear, revile, and try to silence people like Evan Sayet.
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