Could Biden Finally Destroy ‘Our Democracy™’?

Although his physical decline can no longer be denied, Joe Biden is yet willful enough to attempt to change history. Since his debate debacle, the regime foot soldiers who anointed Biden “savior of democracy” and put him in power to stop Donald Trump now scramble to push him aside. But Biden refuses to budge.

In his brief damage control interview with ABC News, a raspy, feeble Biden told George Stephanopoulos that only God could convince him to step down. Rather than accept the inevitable and  relinquish power, possibly sparing his party a devastating defeat, Biden is content to, Samson-like, bring the temple of “Our Democracy™” crashing down.

Democrats are getting their comeuppance for hiding the real Biden—both physically and morally speaking. This supposedly “decent” man we have heard so much about in fact has always been a lying, ambitious hypocrite, including when his first presidential campaign in 1988 ended in a plagiarism scandal.

There is a sweet irony in this turn of fortune. After all, who could blame Biden for his egotism when he has been fawned over and shielded from even the lightest scrutiny for years? His mental decline was evident in 2020, and was considered a legitimate topic of discussion, until the Democrats consolidated behind him following his South Carolina comeback. Biden’s physical infirmity is news only to those who get their information from the cabal of the erstwhile pro-Biden media. 

The civil war now brewing between Biden and the elites in his party represents an act of mutiny by Biden against the regime that put him where he is. This regime is composed of the many elite institutions that exercise political power outside of the normal democratic process, often while speaking in its name. It includes but is not contained by the Democratic Party. To Biden’s credit, he did win the Democratic primary, something the regime is happy to overlook! But it wouldn’t be the first time the regime that speaks on behalf of “Our Democracy™” sought to undermine the people’s will.

What the regime does, most of the time, is generate disinformation (to borrow its own terminology). During Trump’s presidency, the regime engaged in a rolling coup against the president, who it sought to delegitimize with the baseless “Russian collusion” narrative. Then the regime conscripted former intelligence officials to dismiss Hunter Biden’s laptop as “Russian disinformation.” Now we are witnessing the unraveling of one of the regime’s boldest lies yet in the now openly discussed revelation that Joe Biden, the regime’s figurehead, is mentally unfit.

In fulfilling his life’s ambition of becoming president, Biden was aided by U.S. intelligence, which abused its power to deceive the public about incriminating evidence of the Biden family’s influence peddling. It was recently reported that active and paid CIA contractors were signatories to the notorious “Russian disinformation” letter. Despite this improper interference, Biden “won” by razor thin margins in a few swing states under unprecedented circumstances that would make any reasonable, impartial person doubtful of the legitimacy of the outcome.

But Biden and the regime that appointed him made it a crime to question the “most secure” election in history. Biden governed without restraint, as if he had been given a mandate to fundamentally remake the country. He opened the southern border to millions from every corner of the world, accelerating a cynical scheme to replace the nation’s demographic core. Each tragic and unnecessary murder of an American by an illegal immigrant was dismissed as a statistical anomaly or cynically labeled a distraction to help Trump and deny Biden a second term.

Emboldened by the failed Jan. 6 “insurrection,” the regime encouraged Biden to wage a ruthless war against half the country that, finally, escalated into an overt effort to jail and persecute Biden’s arch political enemy. Biden’s “unity” pledge proved a fig leaf, or rather a call to consolidate the nation and “democracy” behind him. He was praised for subjecting the people to ritual browbeatings on this theme, as he routinely compared his political enemies to domestic terrorists. He made himself the vessel for an unceasing stream of vitriol, targeting whites, Christians, and families resistant to his perverse transgender agenda.

It was a war on morals, good taste, on the very spirit of the people. Biden promoted cross-dressing perverts to positions of authority and affirmed solidarity with “trans kids and their families” only days after a transgender terrorist shot up an elementary school. Who could forget when Biden coerced millions of private sector employees to take vaccines against their will, as Biden declared his “patience” was “wearing thin”?

Through it all, the demented wraith who was said to be in charge was hidden away as citizens watched him shake hands with ghosts, and mumble indecipherable words. Until the moment Biden finally malfunctioned, the regime was telling people that video evidence of his incapacity was fake. 

Four years of lies unraveled in 90 minutes. The regime that appeared so fearsome in the days after Jan. 6, 2021 is now vulnerable, and liberals are shrieking at the heavens as Trump hurtles toward Washington.

For Biden, there is still hope of redemption. All he must do is be the selfish bonehead he always has been and cling to power, and he can consign the sham, criminal regime that has enabled him to destruction. Posterity will thank him for this act of unintentional patriotism.

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