Is Demographics Destiny, or Destruction?

Much of America now sees that the anti-borders immigration policies of the last four years were tragically flawed, so the architects of those policies are now scrambling to distract the public from noticing either the motivations behind those policies or the extent of the problem.

Appearing on CBS’s Face the Nation program recently, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas dismissed as “disinformation” and “preposterous” the allegation that the Biden administration opened our nation’s borders as a strategy for the Democratic Party to win future elections.

That kind of repudiation might still work among the most ardent party loyalists and advocates for unchecked illegal immigration, but it falls flat with people who observe reality. With more than a decade of statements and actions from politicians affiliated with the DHS secretary demonstrating that reality, it is clear Mayorkas is the one dealing in disinformation.

Bending the electorate to their will via rampant illegal immigration has been a goal of progressive elites for the last decade. They even came up with a catchy slogan for it: “Demographics is destiny.” At the same time, they sought to shame any critic who accused them of the practice as a tin foil hat-wearing conspiracy kook deserving to be ousted from the public square and social media.

But people have memories. Eleven years ago, former San Antonio Mayor and later Obama administration cabinet member, Julian Castro, also appeared on on Face the Nation. He then spoke enthusiastically about changing the population of Texas to achieve favorable election results.

“It’s changing. It’s going to become a purple state, and then a blue state because of demographics, because of the population growth, folks from outside of Texas,” he said.

Far from representing an outlier, Castro was joined by a chorus of political operatives and corporate media talking heads who celebrated the notion of replacing the current population of the United States with one more likely to vote the way they prefer. 

The most shameless marketing of this idea came from none other than Joe Biden himself. During his time as vice president, he spoke on camera before an audience—and with Mayorkas by his side—in some of the most vulgar, divisive, and flat-out un-American language ever uttered by someone in his position about both legal and illegal immigration.

It’s not going to stop, nor should we want it to stop,” Biden said in 2015. “It’s one of the things I think we can be most proud of. An unrelenting stream of immigration. Nonstop. Nonstop. Folks like me who are Caucasian, of European descent, for the first time in 2017 will be an absolute minority in the United States of America. Absolute minority. Fewer than 50 percent of the people in America from then on will be white European stock. That’s not a bad thing.

There is so much wrong with that statement. From where does the federal government derive the authority to reconfigure the ethnic composition of the country as part of a bizarre social engineering experiment? Is there any consideration for how an “unrelenting stream of immigration” would affect those here already? For all the time politicians like Biden spend telling us how much they love the country, they seem rather obsessed with plans to radically alter and balkanize it into a poorer, less cohesive version of itself by importing endless numbers of foreigners. Other than self-loathing, the only other possible motive for this kamikaze mission is to win elections.

The destruction of our southern border and the refusal to enforce immigration laws are just some of the methods used to implement this deranged strategy. There are now 15 states that do not require voter ID for elections, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. The governor of one of those states, Gavin Newsom of California, recently signed legislation that prevents local governments from requiring voters to present ID at the polls, a move designed to squash efforts by cities there to legitimize voting. California’s ultra-permissive immigration stance has coincided with it transforming from center-right in the 1960s to a one-party rule state under Democrats ever since the mid-1990s. The resulting crime, squalor, and high cost of living have caused longtime residents to flee the state in droves.

The Biden Justice Department is now suing Virginia over the state’s actions to remove noncitizens and other ineligible voters from its rolls. There was a time when almost everyone in America agreed that only citizens should vote in elections. We are now living in an upside-down world where the federal government is blocking attempts by states to prevent noncitizens from voting. No wonder almost 80 percent of citizens currently believe the country is on the wrong track.

It is not disinformation to point of what has become obvious: our elite political class has manipulated illegal immigration to entrench themselves in power and disenfranchise Americans. They do not want legacy Americans to have a say in the direction of their country because those Americans do not favor Democrats. It is one of the most sinister acts every perpetrated against the American people, and one in need of immediate correction.

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