‘One Percenter’ Barack Obama Hopes to Rescue the Hapless Harris

The puppet master who foisted his corrupt, cognitively challenged minion, Joe Biden, on the voters in 2020, now tells you to vote for his latest creation, Kamala Harris.

It seems there is no such thing as liability for false advertising or accountability for past mistakes when it comes to political puppet masters. Instead, there is potential for rewards aplenty as the puppet master extols the virtues of a Kamala Harris candidacy.

As Breitbart’s Wendell Husebo reports, “former President Barack Obama will hit the campaign trail with Vice President Kamala Harris in the final month leading up to the election.” And, citing a news release by Obama’s senior advisor, Eric Schultz, “The One (percenter)” Obama is needed in the final stretch: “Now that voting has begun, our focus is on persuading and mobilizing voters, especially in states with key races. Many of these races are likely to go down to the wire and nothing should be taken for granted.”

Reading between the lines, it seems Harris has not been able to persuade and mobilize these voters on her own. Apparently, only Obama’s luminous presence can enlighten swing-state voters who are bitterly clinging to their God and guns who must atone for their sins by voting for Harris.

Yet, be still fretful hearts. Obama will not be alone in coaxing voters to ignore his prior urgings and their subsequent “lived experience” under the abysmal progressive policies of his glorified butler, Joe Biden. Per reports from Politico, a veritable gaggle of Obama’s fellow “One Percenters” will continue emerging from behind the gilded gates of their opulent enclaves to importune us commoners to save “Our Democracy” from ourselves by voting for Harris.

Granted, it will be a little bit more logistically challenging for Obama this time. He will have to be chauffeured around to the sundry choreographed rallies, where the moveable feast of the same troop of leftists is currently being shipped to buoy the local support for Harris. Of course, identification and credentials will be required to attend these faux Harris-fairs. But such is not Obama’s concern, for his media fact-checked charisma is his calling cardand, besides, most of the extras in attendance would rather hear him, however stale his repartee, than choke back another course of Harris word salad.

Ah, how much more convenient it was to depose Trump and elevate Biden during the halcyon days of the COVID pandemic! There were far fewer venues where Obama had to bother selling his wares to unwary voters; and his puppet, Joe Biden, was securely stowed in his basement with his minders and a tub of butter pecan ice cream. All these minders had to do was let the old hair sniffer surface for a debate or occasional stump speech and, faster than one could shout “lying dog-faced pony soldier!” Obama had his virtual third term.

That third term has been disastrous for you and yours; but not so much for him and his. After all, Obama and his spouse, Michelle, are part of the one percent of America’s richest people. Press reports, including from the decidedly not right-wing AOL.com, estimate the pair’s wealth at over $70 million dollars. This is well above the $13.7 million in net assets threshold for being part of the one percent club. One might suppose  the Democrats would find it “problematic” that their favorite former president and his spouse are part of an elite that lives in privileged luxury. Nope. The Democrats’ loathing for the one percent of capitalist exploiters only includes those members who are not aligned with their leftist agenda. Democrats would argue this is “nuance.” Most would rightly call it “hypocrisy.”

In any event, America had to take one for Team Obama by installing Biden in the Oval Office. This secured Obama his virtual third term, assured he would get wealthier, and protected him from all accountability for his conduct.

Nothing succeeds like excess, especially if the Left gets its beak wet along the way. Thus, Obama hustles back to the hustings for Harris. We plebes will be subjected to fake news cycles replete with partisan punditry celebrating the selflessness of Obama. For his part, Obama will gravely intone that dire events have once again compelled him to descend from his role as a global elder statesperson and take to the muddy campaign trail, pull out his political rhetoric, and save our endangered democracy from democracy. His latest cutout, Kamala Harris, may play a role in this alleged salvation, but—wink, wink, nod, nod—we know who is running this performance.

Again, it will be a bit more difficult, as Harris does not possess the illusory blue-collar mien of Joe Biden and her race card is not working as expected; moreover, there is no pandemic lockdown to facilitate hiding yet another lackluster Democrat presidential nominee. But, so far, the Democrat power-brokers, led by Obama, have orchestrated what is tantamount to a COVID campaign without the COVID; and, after all, one cannot entirely blame Harris. After all, she is a lackluster nominee when compared to “The One (Percenter)”?  

Thus, we are about to witness Obama Redux ad nauseum, where this uber rich ventriloquist stumps for his sock puppet to secure his virtual fourth term. Not all heroes eat crepes, but you can bet this one does.

Apropos of nothing in particular: a leftist PAC is running an ad in which a voter complains that the one percent only serve themselves. One wonders if the one percenter, Barack Obama, could dispute this with a straight face?

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