I look at the war in Ukraine from a different perspective than others. Maybe I’m just weird.
Unlike most who claim to support the Ukrainian people, I have actually visited them. I didn’t go to safe enclaves near the border of NATO Poland, but to cities on the front lines. I don’t show my support by putting a little Ukraine flag on my social media profiles or by demanding new shipments of arms. Instead, I set up supplies and housing for refugees, through my non-profit, The Vulnerable People Project. And unlike most who claim to love Ukraine and Ukrainians, I want the war to end as soon as possible, on realistic, plausible terms. I don’t love some abstract “Ukraine” so much that I’m willing to fight for it (via my laptop) to the very last Ukrainian.
Unlike some MAGA Americans who want to end the war, I have no badly hidden enthusiasm for Vladimir Putin and/or Russia. I’ve seen the devastation Russia’s reckless troops have wrought on civilians, and spoken face to face with victims of Russian brutality. I know that Russia is cynically weaponizing Christian morality and populism to pull off a naked land grab in service of Putin’s delusional wish to reconquer all of Ukraine and return it to the Motherland.
In fact, I think I’m on track with one other person and his views on the war, and happily he’s the most important one in the equation: Donald Trump. Our president has shown a visceral, utterly human hatred of war—the needless, futile suffering it imposes on the vulnerable, and the icy, cynical calculus of those who profit from dragging out conflicts. And I’m placing my hope for Ukraine and its people in Trump’s gut abhorrence of war—which I’m praying prevails over the shallow calculations of foreign policy strategists who spent their young adult years playing Risk, instead of (as I did) serving in the U.S. infantry.
As I’ve said before, Ukraine since 2014 has been locked in a two-front war: Between a frightened, aggressive Russia on the one hand, and the American deep state on the other. The Obama administration winked at Russia’s conquest of Crimea and other regions, seeing it as an opening for our CIA (via USAID and other agencies) to honeycomb Ukraine with American “soft power,” as Victoria Nuland openly boasted before Congress.
When I visited Ukraine in June 2023, officials in the Ukrainian government buttonholed me to complain about how USAID officials were drowning Ukrainians in LGBTQ propaganda. No doubt at the behest of the Biden regime, Ukraine’s government appointed a transgender spokesman and even invited the creepy Satanist Marina Abramovic to serve as an ambassador. Abortion clinics and transgender centers popped up across this once deeply Christian country, funded by U.S. taxpayers—as Elon Musk’s DOGE has exposed. I addressed this deep state war against Ukrainians in a speech I gave in Kiev in 2023 to the pro-life patriots of the organization Chalice of Mercy. I asked the activists there (some of them on brief leave from fighting on the front lines):
Will Ukraine trade Russian colonizers and occupiers for post-Christian, post-Western ones? Will it turn over its children to the counselors and therapists who now in America quietly recruit kids for sex-change procedures, puberty blockers, hormone therapy and surgical castration of boys—often without the consent or even the knowledge of their parents? Will Ukraine let Planned Parenthood—which designed the murderous One Child Policy on behalf of the Red Chinese government—open clinics in Kyiv that would rob you of a generation of children, a new Holodomor in service of a new godless ideology of evil, to finish the job which Josef Stalin started?
Now the same conspirators who pounced on Ukraine in its moment of greatest need, who hijacked its 2013 revolution, who humiliated America with their Afghanistan surrender that emboldened Vladimir Putin, are trying to start up a third front in the war against Ukraine’s people: They’re trying to make the Trump administration actively hostile to that country.
It’s well-documented that Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s public flip-flop at the White House, where he blew-up a ceasefire agreement he’d promised to sign, resulted from the intervention of Obama-era foreign policy oligarchs such as Susan Rice and Victoria Nuland. They wanted to deny Trump a foreign policy win, even at the cost of dragging on an unwinnable war which Russia alas is winning. These deep state actors were so eager to (they hoped) humiliate Trump in the eyes of the world, they were willing to see Russian forces go right on advancing—as they have, seizing hundreds of miles of territory in the weeks since that unhinged press conference happened.
The same people who cooked up a fake dossier “documenting” Russian collusion with Trump’s team were trying to craft a self-fulfilling prophecy: By making it look as if Trump was on the side of Putin instead of peace and whipping up Western leaders to denounce Trump in hysterically moralistic terms, they hoped to force Trump into actually siding with Russia. They hoped, no doubt, for Trump to react irrationally, to act out of wounded pride and completely abandon Ukraine. That would (in their eyes and in the media’s) vindicate all the false charges they’ve leveled at him and his team since 2017.
It wouldn’t actually help Ukraine, of course. But none of these people care about peace or even victory for Ukraine. We know that Gen. Mark Milley admitted, in an unguarded moment, that the Biden goal was really to just “make Russia bleed.” It is also intended to help the deep state win domestic political battles, at the low, low price of a few more hundred thousand dead Ukrainians.
Trump and his team weren’t fooled. They’re deeper, better people than their enemies can imagine. Neither Donald Trump, nor JD Vance, nor Marco Rubio are naïve enough to believe that the CIA-controlled elites who are now running Ukraine really represent Ukrainians. Our leaders don’t blame the people of Ukraine for the rash actions of the oligarchs our spies have foisted on them.
Trump will carry on, prudently and professionally, acting as an impartial arbiter in this tragic conflict, and will end the war which the theft of the 2020 election made inevitable. He needs our prayers and deserves them.
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