The Feds Reach Peak Hypocrisy on Shipping Migrants

Forced to deal with the unsustainable number of foreign nationals it has allowed to illegally enter the country, the Biden White House and its agencies are now shipping migrants from one state to another. Red-state governors who have done the same thing were vilified for “crimes against humanity” by anti-borders activists.

Jennie Taer of the New York Post reported that the Biden administration has been flying illegal aliens from California to Texas on commercial-sized planes. In apparent response to Texas Governor Greg Abbott’s enhanced policies to prevent illegal entries into his state, many border crossers have instead entered through California, and our most notorious sanctuary state is now overrun. The transport reported costs taxpayers an estimated $80,000 per flight.

This would not be shocking by today’s standards, except for the fact that the illegal immigration lobby has openly decried cross-state transfers—at least, when they are done by red-state governors.  Fed up with the border invasion that has devastated his state, Abbott started busing migrants to New York City and other sanctuary jurisdictions in 2022. The move resulted in a cacophony of outrage from the pro-sanctuary crowd.  

“It’s appalling that far-right politicians seem to have decided that the fall before an election is their regularly scheduled time to commit crimes against humanity on refugees,” Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) said of Abbott’s busing policy in 2022 on her X account. “Don’t normalize this. Lying to & trafficking people for TV and clicks isn’t politics as usual. It’s abuse.”

“Governor Abbott is a coward who uses human beings as political pawns, and has done nothing while murder rates in Texas have skyrocketed under his lack of leadership,” read a statement from New York Mayor Eric Adams.

“I think it’s unconscionable to mislead people, to misinform people, to just load them on a bus and dump them somewhere without any social services,” said El Paso County Commissioner David Stout, a critic of Abbott’s border policies.

If they believe any of that rhetoric, why are they not furious at the White House for doing the same thing on an even larger scale?  Where are the calls for Ocasio-Cortez  to condemn the administration for its apparent “crimes against humanity” and “trafficking people for TV and clicks?” An independent, unbiased media would ask Mayor Adams why the federal government is using migrants as political pawns in such a cowardly manner. Instead, the sound of crickets is deafening.

According to the criticism of previous migrant relocation initiatives, the administration’s current actions are not only immoral, but possibly illegal. After Florida Governor Ron DeSantis flew 49 migrants from Texas to Martha’s Vineyard, Bexar County Sheriff Javier Salazar launched an investigation into DeSantis and the migrant flights his office organized. Salazar suggested that the illegal aliens had been “preyed upon,” and filed several counts of unlawful restraint, both misdemeanors and felonies.

This was done despite the fact that aliens were required to sign consent forms in order to board the flights. Telemundo reporter Cristina Londono told MSNBC that the migrants were thankful that DeSantis relocated them to a nice part of the country. Did the feds get signed consent forms from the aliens they shipped from California to Texas? Is anyone investigating possible crimes being committed in this operation? Again, crickets.

This is not uncharted territory for the federal government, as the current administration has been dispersing thousands of newly arrived border crossers throughout the country for the last three years. It has also facilitated large numbers of illegal aliens to fly into the U.S. from foreign airports. The Department of Homeland Security has reportedly flown more than 33,000 foreign nationals into the New York City area alone. One of those flown in was a Haitian national accused of raping a developmentally disabled teenage girl.

Even worse, most of these flights have arrived under cover of darkness, presumably to avoid attention, and often with no notice given to officials at their destinations. How is this not exponentially worse than what Abbott and DeSantis did?

While the governors transported aliens to shed light on the severity of the problem, the federal flights only contribute to the problem. Shipping thousands of migrants from one state to another at this point is akin to rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. Whether the aliens are in California, Texas, or any other state, they are still in the United States, and the country has far too many illegal aliens already. Relocating aliens is a Band-Aid solution for a gaping wound problem. Unless programs of mass deportation and extreme border security are enacted, the current leadership is just wasting more of our money to achieve its partisan political goals and appease its left-wing base.

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