The Kamala Harris Hoax

Some well-meaning (and not so well-meaning) scolds on the right have cautioned Donald Trump to treat Kamala Harris with respect while campaigning against her. These scolds forget that Harris is not running a respectable campaign. She is taking a page out of Sleepy Joe’s playbook by hiding from the public, which is not what political candidates in a democracy typically do, especially ones who are said to have “momentum.” Harris is enabled, of course, by a shameless, sycophantic media that is more than willing to do most of the campaigning for her.

The much touted “Harris honeymoon” is a fabrication, merely the latest offering of our serially dishonest press placed on the altar of the Democratic Party while waging endless war against Trump. It is absurd to suppose that Trump should desist from personal attacks when faced with opponents as fake (and vicious) as Harris and Tim Walz. Trump’s dyspeptic refusal to stomach the media’s daily slop is not only good for his campaign, it’s good for the country, too. Why even have elections, if candidates with favor can avoid taking policy questions while riding “vibes” to high office? 

How cynical is the Harris operation? She wants to be the change candidate, the outsider to an unpopular administration to which she has been a part for three and a half years! The corrupt press has given her carte blanche to “reintroduce” herself to the public, knowing full well that the real Kamala Harris is an unelectable, radical buffoon. She has shamelessly cribbed from Trump’s more popular, moderate agenda and is even pretending to be tough on the border—an audacious lie that boggles the mind of any sane observer of American politics. Her unctuous, wolfish running mate is just as fake as she is—an extreme liberal in a “Midwestern dad” costume. 

The breathless hype, so discordant with Harris’s actual merits and her inability to withstand even a little scrutiny, proves that she is not capable of being president. But voters are not supposed to discover, or rather rediscover, this truth until she has crossed the finish line. The propaganda blitz is an exact repeat of the strategy that the corrupt, exhausted establishment used to install and prop up Joe Biden. His presidency was an elaborate ruse that required 90 minutes of unscripted television to unravel.

Biden is no longer an asset, so it is politically acceptable now to discuss his compromised health and his family’s sleazy influence peddling. The New York Times has just reported that Hunter Biden wanted help from his dad’s State Department with his notorious Burisma deal. Until a few moments ago, this would have been called a paranoid conspiracy theory. Of course, those who shielded Biden for so long are not at all contrite. They have simply moved onto their next hoax—like they always do.

Remember Russian collusion? For well over two years it was the dominant subject of American politics. While it has long been forgotten, Robert Mueller’s deflating testimony five summers ago was considered shocking at the time. From that moment on, no respectable person could go on pretending that Mueller had been engaged in real investigative work. But the Russia investigation fulfilled its purpose—to discredit Trump’s 2016 win and drain energy from his presidency.

Mueller’s testimony presaged Biden’s revelatory debate performance, and Democrats are desperately afraid of a similar moment of truth disrupting Harris’s “honeymoon.” Like the Russia hoax and so many other fabrications, the Harris scam will inevitably fall apart. The only question is when – will it be before or after the election?

Against a less outspoken opponent, Harris might expect to pull a fast one on voters with relative ease. But Trump is a proven fighter who has survived years of combat with the “fake news,” which he aptly calls the enemy of the people. The Harris scheme is their boldest to date, but Trump has the talent and the guts to overcome it. Like countless rivals he has already dispatched, Harris is a talentless and maladroit phony. Trump can beat her by simply telling the truth.

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