The Specter Haunting America is Communism

For decades the left-wing media—which is to say nearly all of media—has done its best to mock those of us who warned of the dangers of communism.

Aided by academics of like mind, they not only ignored the very real crimes committed by the followers of this evil ideology, they also concentrated their fire on those who opposed it. Mass murderers like Mao Zedong were heralded as folk heroes, while anti-communists going back to Joseph McCarthy were dismissed as ignorant buffoons.

It didn’t matter that over 100 million people had died at Mao’s hands, it was the Wisconsin Senator who had courageously warned Americans about communist penetration of the U.S. government in the 1950s who was brutally pilloried.

So effectively was McCarthy’s character assassinated that leftists today still use his name as a curse. If high school students learn nothing else about the Cold War, they learn that to even hint that someone has communist sympathies is to engage in “McCarthyism.”

The result is that many Americans continue to engage in self-censorship, verbally disarmed by the carefully implanted idea that you must tread very carefully when talking about leftists. Even when leftist radicals are openly discussing not only ending freedom of speech and the right to bear arms, but also price controls, the redistribution of wealth, and government ownership of the means of production, you must never, ever accuse them of being followers of the most brutal ideology ever to emerge from the fetid minds of evil men.

It is simply not done.

Then along came Donald Trump, who not only saw that we were sleepwalking into a communist takeover of the United States but was not afraid to say so. There are advantages to having no filters where political correctness is concerned. It helps to be fearless as well.

Trump, being Trump, has variously labeled the leaders of the Democrat Party “Marxist lunatics,” “radical leftists,” and “communists.”

And the evidence bears him out.

The nominees of the Democratic Party, Kamala Harris and Tim Walz, hold views that are further to the left of the political spectrum than any previous Democrat except Barack Obama. Kamala’s views mirror those of her Marxist father, Stanford Professor Donald Harris, while Walz has long been an admirer of Mao’s China, a place where he has said—in a statement that should shock every American—that he “learned a lot about governance.”

The Democratic Party’s governing paradigm is now a cultural variant of Marxism. Nearly half the party’s representatives in the House are members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus (CPC), which advocates a wide array of radical policies. These include:

  • “Humane immigration policies,” which means a continuation of the open border policies that is destroying the republic by flooding America with tens of millions of new Democratic voters.
  • “A crackdown on corporate greed,” which means using higher taxes and more regulation to throttle private enterprise, weaken the middle class, and drive industry overseas.
  • “A universal health care system,” which means government-run healthcare for all, including illegal aliens, with resulting waiting lines and rationing.
  • “Reversing climate change,” which means radical controls on energy production and use—including a prohibition on gas-powered cars—that will impoverish Americans and circumscribe their freedoms.
  • “An end to mass incarceration,” which means the kind of no cash bail, early release policies that Soros-funded district attorneys have used to unleash crime waves In Democrat-run cities and surrounding suburbs.
  • “Reparations,” which is simply a scheme to redistribute wealth to a major Democratic voting block for injustices that ended over 160 years ago.

The leader of the CPC is Ilhan Omar, whose “idol and lifelong inspiration” is America’s most widely known communist, Angela Davis. And the policies that it espouses are fairly described as radical leftist, openly socialistic, and Marxist.

Like the one-party dictatorship in China that Tim Walz so admires, the modern Democratic Party attempts to censor the internet, while the major media in this country, though not state-owned, is so ideologically aligned with the party that it might as well be. The interview that 60 Minutes did with the painfully inarticulate Kamala Harris, for example, was so heavily edited that it could have been done by the Chinese Communist Party’s propaganda department. 

The use of terror as a tool for political control is prototypically Marxist and has now been added to the Democratic playbook. The FBI—that the Democrats now operates as their private Stasi—continues to hunt down anyone who happened to walk through the Capitol on January 6th or stand within the unmarked borders of the “restricted area.” The purpose of this ongoing persecution can only be to create a climate of fear among Trump supporters and the population at large.

The same can be said about the FBI’s declaration that the MAGA movement is under surveillance as a breeding ground for right-wing terrorists. Why would you so stigmatize close to half the population of the United States if not to terrorize those who support America’s founding principles?

For that matter, why would you celebrate the killing of infants up to—and in sometimes cases beyond—birth in the name of “reproductive freedom”?

Communist regimes characteristically rule lawlessly, violently, and without regard for human life. Over the past few years of Democratic Party rule, we have moved closer to this state in America than most people realize.

So, when President Trump warns us that we are dealing with “radical left Democrats,” “Marxist lunatics,” and “communists and fascists [who] think that they can control our glorious country,” we had better take him seriously. Because his enemies are as President Trump describes them.

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