Historically, Democrats have been known to project their sins onto their opponents. In the battle to bring order to America’s borders, the left has again reprised this tried and untrue tactic—albeit with an added dollop of hypocrisy meant to hoodwink the citizenry into believing Democrats are noble for unilaterally surrendering America’s internal security.
Decrying the proponents of secure borders as xenophobes and racists, Democrats would have the public believe their support for open borders is a selfless, virtuous act of compassion and inclusion. Far from it: The Democrats’ support and abetting of open borders has become the epitome of venal.
Supporting and abetting open borders brings Democrats and their allies a cornucopia of ill-gotten gains. Businesses can exploit illegal aliens to lower their costs for wages. Labor unions can exploit illegal aliens to swell their ranks and coffers with union dues paying members. As seen in the USAID scandal, non-governmental organizations (NGO) can exploit the illegal aliens throughout their sojourn and stay in the United States by taking their cut off the top of the taxpayer funded services provided.
In addition to garnering the patronage of all these venal beneficiaries of open borders, the Democratic Party itself receives an influx of potential voters (and in some municipalities actual voters) who are often dependent upon federal and state funded social services which Democrats are only too happy to provide in exchange for their votes.
Further, illegal immigration is largely found in densely populated cities. When congressional and state legislative districts are redrawn, illegal aliens are counted along with citizens for purposes of redistricting. The result is that compact, urban, and reliably Democratic districts swell, and this permits excess Democratic voters to move into formerly suburban Republican districts, often flipping them from red to blue.
While the Democrats and their fellow exploiters reap these benefits of open borders, all Americans, especially legal immigrants, bear the burden of the consequences associated with there being close to 12 million illegal aliens, with an estimated 500,000 or more being suspected felons or worse.
First among these consequences is that legal immigrants and, often, also native-born citizens are finding that their families and communities are daily and directly harmed by crimes perpetrated by gangs, like Norteños, Sureños, MS-13, and Tren de Aragua. Legal immigrants, especially, have seen their schools, hospitals, and other institutions become overcrowded and overrun. The social safety net in these communities is now strained to the breaking point. Further, the rungs on the ladder of success and assimilation are broken by these conditions, including increasingly lower wages and unfair job competition. Most of all, the feting and cossetting of illegal aliens by Democrats and their allies makes a mockery of legal immigrants and citizens who follow the rules and obey the laws, and make an effort to become useful members of their communities.
Insanely, Democrats expect legal immigrants to reward them for besetting their communities with the consequences of open borders. Why? Because of the bigoted assumption that all immigrants will support illegal immigration. Democrats not only expect but even demand that a person’s race (assuming said person is not white) rather than personal experiences, including sacrifices to obtain legal status and the impact upon one’s community, be the determining factor in forming views on immigration.
All Americans are paying the Democrats’ open borders bar tab—namely, the diminishment of our national and communal security. Again, there are an estimated 500,000 suspected felons among the 12 million estimated illegal aliens. But one cannot be sure of these numbers. There could be more of both. And doubtless, there are unknowable numbers with other disconcerting characteristics in the ranks of illegal aliens, as well.
Additionally, after pinching themselves at their good fortune, America’s enemies were able to enact strategically engineered migration to exploit our weakness. One of their favored means was to work with their aligned NGOs to facilitate this migration to the United States, which included purposefully shipping many of their own convicted felons, thus ridding themselves of the problem and sending it our way to wreak havoc.
But not even the exporting of our enemies’ criminal element to our shores constitutes the most dangerous element of this unconscionable crisis imposed upon us by the Democrats’ penchant for open borders. Bluntly, we have to expect that America’s enemies also exported and embedded military, paramilitary, espionage, and terrorist assets into America.
The Trump administration is racing to discover and deport dangerous illegal aliens. But heedless of the cost to our nation, Democrats continue to obstruct and delay these efforts, while lionizing themselves as the champions of immigrants. In the process of refusing to protect our nation, be it during self-righteous pressers or other clownish “look at me” moments, the Democrats have dug up and dusted off the destructive doctrine of nullification.
Today’s Democrats signal a renewed assault upon the Constitution and the electorate, as Victor Davis Hanson argues:
Democratic governors and mayors vie, bragging that they will be foremost in breaking the law by impeding the efforts of the federal immigration services to find and deport illegal aliens—for now, half a million criminals. Other activists are tipping off criminal illegal-alien gang leaders to avoid U.S. government efforts to apprehend such dangerous criminals.
While it is true some of the cagier Democrats have hedged on the deportations, claiming they would “permit” cooperating with federal authorities in cases where illegal aliens commit felonies, most are happy to go along with localities proclaiming sanctuary status in spite of federal law. Given the express prohibitions of “sanctuary” statutes and ordinances, however, this halfway position will prove almost impossible to implement due to the inability to determine a suspected culprit’s immigration status and potential felonious background before he has committed a crime in our country. And, in any event, such a policy of “closing the barn door after the horse has harmed a citizen” is patently ridiculous and injurious. Clearly, “sanctuary” laws provide no reciprocal protections for the felonious illegal aliens’ victims.
When it comes to the Democrats’ incessant virtue signaling for open borders, the past is truly prologue. Not only have Democrats persisted in projecting their sins upon their opponents, but they have LAO dusted off the old nullification doctrine and attempted to make a case that illegal immigration somehow has “benefitted” its victims. Today’s Democrats persist in the lie that their exploitation is in the best interests of all immigrants—legal and illegal—to say nothing of Americans who are expected to pay the price.
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