This Is America’s Last Chance

Watching the mainstream press coverage of the 2024 election might lead one to believe America has somehowbeen transported to the more temperate days of the 1990s. The economy is issue number one, and the bland talk of the punditocracy creates the illusion that Kamala Harris is an actual candidate presenting something like a substantive “plan.” The tone recalls a more ordinary time, before Obama poisoned race relations and set America on the path to civil strife.

But there is nothing ordinary about this election. Americans are unhappy with the status quo under Harris and Biden, but half the country will vote for her party’s deranged agenda anyway. The electorate is not making a rational choice from a menu of policies of more or less debatable merit. This is a battle for the future of civilization, in which a few thousand votes will make all the difference. America will either start climbing back toward its former greatness, with Trump at the helm, or sink into inexorable decline.

America is one of the oldest living constitutional republics, but no nation can preserve its laws and institutions while being ruled by outsiders. The Biden-Harris regime has imported millions of people from abroad in just a few years. This was done deliberately, and Harris’s 11th hour posturing as “tough on the border” is just as calculated. There is no doubt that she would, if elected, turbocharge the replacement of the American people with loyal serfs from abroad, no matter the cost to taxpayers, their safety, and the cultural coherence of their communities. If Democrats are successful, this could be the last election where they must feign interest in what Americans want.

If not for the demographic transformation of the last 30 years, which  Americans never asked for, Harris would not even be a close contender. Her candidacy is an obvious fraud that would have been a nonstarter in the more unified and patriotic recent past, when the majority of Americans wanted the best for America and individual merit came first, even if we debated how best to achieve it. Harris is the product of the polarizing turn toward “diversity” and group identity politics, which prioritizes goodies for protected classes and hatred and scorn for everyone else. She is the most unqualified person nominated by either major party in history, and it’s not even close. In her interview with Dana Bash, a sycophantic supporter who asked the mildest of questions, she struggled to even hold eye contact.

The Harris campaign is introducing an authoritarian approach to politics that is more familiar perhaps to the “citizens” of North Korea’s “democracy.” She has become a political star without performing any work, receiving any votes, or demonstrating any discernible talent. What she does have is the accidents of her birth. On the basis of those, she was handpicked by a secret committee, and her campaign is being propped up with the most vapid propaganda imaginable. Her predecessor, who was elected in the same deceptive fashion Harris seeks to replicate, has all but vanished from sight. Nobody even knows who is actually running the country.

A Harris administration would complete the slide toward Third World politics that has played out since the shock of Trump’s 2016 victory. The mass media have long abandoned any pretense of fairness and instead engage in an all-out war with Trump as they cheer electoral interference from rogue prosecutors and spies. Before Harris’s unaccountable rise, plan “A” for the Democrats was to take Trump off the ballot, in the name of democracy, and put him in jail. That tactic thankfully failed, but if Harris is somehow successful, “joy” will give way to revenge and America will experience something it has until now been witness to only from afar: the loser of a presidential election, a man supported by half the country, will be utterly destroyed by the state.

Trump’s popular movement is all that is standing in the way of the totalitarian left and their plans for a borderless, authoritarian dystopia. He has rallied millions of otherwise leaderless Americans against this grim fate. MAGA has become a big tent, not for conservatives only, but independents and moderates who believe in common sense, sovereign borders, and free speech. Among the new recruits are Elon Musk and Robert F. Kennedy Jr., both disaffected Democrats who, like Trump, have been targeted by the left’s ruthless lawfare. 

Once freedom is lost, it won’t come back. One does not have to look far for a cautionary tale: observe the sad state of Europe, where people have been arrested for “hate speech,” or Brazil, where a single judge just shut down X for refusing to censor political opponents of the leftist government. The conservative purists sniping at Trump for his more centrist views on issues like abortion and pot, betray a willful blindness to the big picture. Trump is giving Americans a last chance to liberate their country once and for all. The stakes in the fight are existential, and defeat is not an option.

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