Who Is that Masked Woman?

The American socialist, poet, journalist, and biographer Carl Sandburg once famously advised: “If the facts are against you, argue the law. If the law is against you, argue the facts. If the law and the facts are against you, pound the table and yell like hell.”

This advice long ago became part of political fabric and it can be rephrased in this way: “If your polices are against you, promote your personality. If your personality is against you, promote your policies. If your policies and personality are against you, pound your opponent and yell ‘fascist!’”

Obviously, the power brokers behind the Democratic National Convention the Harris campaign have taken that message to heart. It would have been political malpractice if they hadn’t.

In tossing President Joe Biden under the electric powered bus and handing the keys over to Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic elite showed how acutely aware it is that the disastrous policies of the Biden administration are a decided liability. By scapegoating Biden and attempting to send him down the memory hole, Democrats hoped to put some distance between the vice president and her boss. Donald Trump and his campaign are more than happy to remind people of the abysmal economic and foreign policy track record of this administration, of course, but Trump also has a penchant for preferring to attack his opponents’ personalities more than their policies.

Nonetheless, Democrats have effectively engaged in employing “strategic vagueness” to obfuscate Harris’s policy … suggestions? Such systemic deceit is meant to give Harris the ability to pretend she had nothing to do with causing America’s problems—that was all on President Biden; and, further, she is pleased to proclaim her ability to fix all those problems if she is elected president. Of course, it will take a pandemic of willful suspension of disbelief on the part of the American electorate for this gambit to succeed in electing her president.

As practical as they are cynical, Democratic power brokers have hedged their bets by augmenting Harris’s “strategic vagueness” with a focus on her personality—made anew, of course. This makeover became necessary because her actual personality has distinct disadvantages. From her dismal 2020 presidential campaign through her tenure as the nation’s Veep, Kamala Harris has yet to be, shall we say, beloved and embraced by the American electorate. Indeed, the recent love affair between the Democratic Party and Harris has all the hallmarks of a shotgun marriage. Maybe it lasts, maybe it doesn’t. But this marriage will last through the November election.

Yet it remains to be seen whether a majority of the voters will conclude that Harris has a winning personality—literally. And, with every new “reintroduction” or “reimagining” of  Harris’s character, her inauthenticity quotient increases and exacerbates her problems with independent voters.

With their presidential candidate’s policies and personality having distinct disadvantages, what is left for the Democrat elite to do to install their handpicked candidate in the Oval Office? Pound on Trump and yell “fascist!” of course. In fairness, the Democrats do have a few other tricks—such as smearing, canceling, and otherwise persecuting ordinary people who call themselves MAGA, GOP, or who dare to dissent from their radical, extreme, and dangerous agenda. The Democrats also steal GOP policy ideas; cloak their own policy proposals in “strategic vagueness”; and flat out lie about their own record in league with a complicit, mockingbird media as if we need a real-time demonstration of the fascism they project onto their opponents.

Perhaps, Sandburg isn’t the only literary figure the Democratic elite have enlisted to perpetrate their systemic deceit upon the American people. They’ve drafted Machiavelli and George Orwell, too—the latter’s life’s work being perversely used, not as a warning about, but a DIY manual for totalitarianism. Sure, one can argue the Democrats also drew upon Marx and Engels, Lenin, Mao, et. al. But while the Democrat elite is versed in those texts too, these individuals are not exactly men and women of letters. They are serial killers—barbarians whom leftist politicians have absolved of their sins because they “liberated” peoples by subjugating them—which is what they have in store for us.

No wonder the ideological heirs of these leftist totalitarians mask their policies and personalities.

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