The embarrassing fawning over Carter’s legacy from establishment conservatives reveals their abiding desire for social respectability at the expense of truth.
Tag: Georgia
Is Trump Running Against Harris—or Donald Trump?
Trump can regain the momentum he’s lost since the convention—but only if he defines Harris in voters’ minds, so he’s running directly against her, not his party, his allies and himself.
Virginia Turns Toward Trump
Biden received the benefit of the doubt in 2020 from suburbanites who wanted competence and calm. He won't get that this year, after the record he's run up.
Trump’s Sun Belt Hopes and Rust Belt Needs
Trump should do everything he can to win the Sun Belt, and black and Hispanic voters, away from Biden. But his priority must be to win back the Rust Belt states and white voters he lost in 2020.
John Eastman and Jeffrey Clark Cases Defy the Rule of Law
The rule of law is the American answer to despotism and totalitarianism. It is under attack today by the very people meant to uphold it.
Beware of Squatters
Favoring intruders over owners constitutes a "taking" that violates the Fifth Amendment, which says government cannot impinge on your right to your property. But squatters are turning up across the country anyway.