Author: Paul Gottfried (Paul Gottfried)

Home Paul Gottfried
Grounds for Suspicion

Grounds for Suspicion

Republican voters have every right to assume bad faith from Democrats and their vote-counters, who have unscrupulously tried to increase their party’s power while behaving unethically toward electoral opponents.

The Trump of Myth and Legend

The Trump of Myth and Legend

There is no need to compare Trump to some biblical hero or a mythic savior in order to state one’s agreement with one or more of his stated policies.

From Immigrant to Public Intellectual, The Classical and Christian Origins of American Politics

Books in Brief: February 2024

Short reviews of From Immigrant to Public Intellectual, by Murray Sabrin, and The Classical and Christian Origins of American Politics, by Kody Cooper and Justin Dyer.

Nikki’s Lost Cause

Nikki’s Lost Cause

The hysterical response to Nikki Haley's Civil War comment simply shows that one is not allowed to contradict the narratives of our media betters or their interpretations of reality.

Why Lenin Is No Longer Relevant

Why Lenin Is No Longer Relevant

Today’s woke leftists would find the Soviet dictator far too muscular and manly to make room for him in their pantheon of girly government apparatchiks and petty tyrants.

MLK Redivivus

MLK Redivivus

Martin Luther King, Jr. did not bring the races closer together; and the legacy he left behind has been one of erasing more and more of our national heritage whenever it does not fit a progressively more radical leftist agenda.

Fighting Intolerance with More of the Same

Fighting Intolerance with More of the Same

It’s a little late in the day to be discovering what cesspools of intolerance American universities have become. Suspending freedom of speech to please those who don’t want to hear anti-Zionist sounds is not the proper response.

Three Conceptions of Conservatism

Three Conceptions of Conservatism

Editor-in-chief Paul Gottfried offers an examination of three major streams of conservative thought, based on aristocratic tradition, universal principles, and the pragmatic pursuit of power.

Collegiate Anti-Semitism Did Not Start Yesterday

Collegiate Anti-Semitism Did Not Start Yesterday

As I look at the Johnny-Come-Lately critics of our anti-Semitic universities, I am reminded of the French Communist Party during and after the fall of France. Why should we now celebrate those who contributed to this poisoning of our culture?

Pursuing Ethnic Blocs Stupidly

Pursuing Ethnic Blocs Stupidly

In responses to the Hamas attacks, conservatives again demonstrate inept attempts to imitate the left’s shameful and divisive appeals to ethnic blocs. In abasing themselves to pursue special voting blocs, these conservatives adopt a bad principle and a clumsy and embarrassing strategy.

Oh, Canada!

Oh, Canada!

Canada’s government and its premier, Justin Trudeau, betray their true nature in the blunders of the past few weeks.

The Future Past

The Future Past

Archeofuturism, a concept that arose on the French New Right in the 1970s, charts a path toward a rebirth of tradition amid a future convulsed by technological change.

The Hitler of Legend

The Hitler of Legend

Contrary to the standard view of historians, Hitler was not a conservative with pre-World War I aristocratic values, but a radical revolutionary who upended the traditional German power structure.

A Few Comments on A Strange Liberty

A Few Comments on A Strange Liberty

In his new book, former Mises Institute President Jeff Deist writes incisively about the evils associated with the modern administrative state, including an important discussion of the late Murray Rothbard’s views on immigration.

Feminism, Italian Style

Feminism, Italian Style

The woke, bisexual new leader of Italy’s Democratic Party, Elly Schlein, offers no real challenge to Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni and the Brothers of Italy Party.