The West’s Fraudulent Democracies

The “collective West” led by the United States is a political-military and cultural bloc based on a set of fraudulent claims and dysfunctional ideological assumptions. The first among them is that “we” (America, Britain, France, Germany, the European Union, etc.) are blessed by having “our democracy” as the basis of an exceptional political system, within which each citizen can exercise his allegedly inherent rights to the fullest extent.

This is a lie. If “democracy” means anything at all, it means the identity—or very close proximity—of the values and interests of those who rule and those who authorize them to rule, of the few who govern and the multitude of the governed, of those who legitimately command and those who willingly obey.

This definition of democracy, historically and intellectually correct, is inseparable from the concept of identity. It assumes the essential ethnic and spiritual homogeneity of the specific community that exercises “democracy.” Identity is the bedrock of the cohesion of the society and the state. It is the foundation of the equality of citizens, defined by belonging to a nation—one of the multitude of nations formed to the beat of the “Marseillaise” two centuries ago, perhaps; but, in Europe’s case, more likely to an older and deeper sense of abiding love and commitment.

A “democratic” nation is not, and can never be, a random melange of self-determining individuals loyal primarily to their unique selves, and perhaps, to some set of momentarily fashionable, allegedly permanent, ideological propositions. Most assuredly, it cannot be a random melange of people who just happen to be within a given geographic area at a given point in time.

National homogeneity—based on common ancestry and lore, on common language and the sense of shared destiny—is the prerequisite for the emergence and existence of a viable democratic community, it is conditio sine qua non for the legitimacy of the political system which that community develops. That is the only meaningful definition of “democracy.”

The model has two mortal enemies. One is the sodomist-transgenderist assault on the traditional family, which is the basis of every nation’s biological survival and the continuity of collective memories. There are as many sex/gender-related “identities” as there are persons, we are told. 

The other is the imposition of mass immigration. The essence of politics, the ability to differentiate between friend and foe, is impossible when differentiation itself is demonized as racism.

These weapons of cultural mass destruction have become two nonnegotiable ideological pillars and legal battering rams of the ruling class on both sides of the Atlantic. Opposing either one is verboten; opposing both is outright criminal.

In an immigrant-deluged country, “democracy” collapses to a formal category. This is the destiny that the transnational ruling class has in mind for the United States and Europe in equal measure, albeit with somewhat different means. 

The ruling class understands that only through the common identity of the governing and the governed can “we, the people” reappear as a politically relevant entity. That must not happen. “Our democracy” therefore rejects that the people and the state can or should exist in harmony. In reality, “the people” cannot be represented at all, even conceptually. 

The result is a grotesque caricature of liberalism, its atomistic individualism. Its belief in the primacy of “rights” reflects an infantile escape from “the political.” The malaise is embodied in the Democratic Party in the U.S. and in the Green Party in Germany. The system’s moral ambiguity has led, via nihilism, to outright Satanism, as manifested at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games in Paris. Everywhere it is cemented by the sham of judicial neutrality.

Applied in practice, the system is designed to produce preordained results. “Democracy” is but the means to ideological ends, cynically manipulated. Undesirable outcomes—like Trump’s victory in 2016—are treated as inherently undemocratic aberrations. The problems in the American electoral system are well known to our readers—harvested ballots, lawfare, etc. In Great Britain, the ruse is facilitated by the first-past-the-post system, which enables the ultra-woke Labour Party to have an unassailable two-thirds majority in the House of Commons with one-fifth of all votes. On the other hand, Nigel Farage’s Reform UK, the only real opposition in the new House of Commons, has over 14 percent of the vote but only four members of Parliament. 

In France, Marine Le Pen’s sovereignist National Rally Party may win the popular vote with over 37 percent of the vote, but it ends up third in the National Assembly. East of the Rhine, the Alternative for Germany may win state elections in spite of being demonized in the cartel media. It will always face the same establishmentarian firewall that has kept Le Pen and Farage safely out of power, and Donald Trump effectively neutralized, even if by some miracle he manages to return to the White House next January.

The European Union is an impressive feat of political engineering. The strategy of the Brussels apparatus is for states to be deprived of their statehood, but not formally liquidated. Power is transferred to the Apparatus, but without unwanted accountability, visibility, and other restrictions to which the holders of power in traditional countries are subjected. 

The result is an edifice of amorphous quasi-authority kept in a state of constant change by those who run it. The key characteristic of that postmodern creature is its deliberate ambiguity. The meaning of sovereignty is blurred to the point of irrelevance. The EU has evolved into a cultural Marxist “community of values.” Brussels has become the global headquarters of a deracinated elite class nurtured on the legacy of the Frankfurt School.

The key result of that metamorphosis is that EU member countries are no longer authorized to control their immigration policy. Already in 1999, the Treaty of Amsterdam transferred jurisdiction over immigration issues to Brussels. Four years later, at the EU Summit in Thessaloniki (June 2003), immigrants’ rights were expanded to include “the right to work, education, health care, social services, residence, and participation in social life.” 

European freedoms should not be understood as an “exclusive privilege of citizens of the Union,” however. To prevent this danger, the Brussels machine demands strengthening legal measures against “discrimination, racism, and xenophobia” in all member countries. The result is an ongoing demographic suicide and moral self-mutilation of old European nations.

From the ruins of Europe after the tragedy of 1914, two very similar, modernizing, aggressively materialistic, anti-traditional, gnostic ideologies emerged: bolshevism and Nazism. At the end of the 20th century, the twilight of the West gave birth to the third sibling, far more cunning than the other two. He wrapped his steel fist in a rainbow-colored plush glove. He replaced the Agitprop/Information Ministry with cartel media and state education.

Like fascism and bolshevism, neoliberal totalitarianism has an elitist essence: faith in the God-given mission of the avant-garde elite to create a better world, through manipulation of the political process and mass indoctrination. The Word and the World are terminally separated. Ideological vision produces its own “reality.” The recipients of the message are supposed to be unaware of the fact that they are victims of fraud. Otherwise they are declared deplorables, insurgents, deviants worthy of criminal prosecution. Morality is not a function of the objective behavior of the actor but is strictly situational, dependent on the position of that actor on the scale of political and ideological evaluation.

In today’s “collective West,” the impulses for personal action still pass through the individual, but they are dictated by the system. Integrated into the network of relationships that create their own reality, the individual has no choice but to comply with the system’s framework. Nature as an objective reality does not exist. 

The transformation of Western society into post-history has one unprecedented feature: culture is becoming redundant as a mechanism for maintaining social dynamics. Material wealth, professional success, and physical health are the only goods. Emotional experiences and personal opinions are ballast, atavistic burdens of pre-technological, historical of society. The question of meaning is excluded. The concept of purpose has been deleted. Culture is a product that is consumed, not experienced. The end of history, in the sense of turning society into a sociotechnological system regulated by the oligarchically controlled market, signifies not only the end of the nation but also the end of man.

The cruel comedy of “our democracy” is the result of the yawning gap between the will of the people and the agenda of the transnational ruling class that manages the political process. That class rejects a priori the notion that man—especially the contemporary Western person—is not a self-sufficient creature, that his innate and acquired skills are wanting, that there can be no immanent justification of his way of life based on subjugation of nature and denial of morality. 

A polity’s morality must rest on solid legal concepts, it cannot be limited to abstractions. The tragic break came with the French Revolution—an uprising against the order of creation—which led to Europe’s subsequent political secularization and dramatic moral decline. Christianity was first reduced to just one of several religions, and in our time subjected to outright blasphemous slander. 

“Our Democracy” has proven itself to be a process of systematic decay of traditionally bound forms of community, identity, and contexts of meaning. An experience of false reality dominates, the one established through economic rationality and ideological indoctrination.

Carl Schmitt thought that the rot started with Descartes, who was focused on a subjective and internal process, our egocentric thinking, rather than the reality of the external world. Whether or not that is true, it is indisputable that man is a fallen and dangerous being. It is only thanks to God that evil has not yet triumphed in this world. “Our Democracy” is the enemy. It does not negate human nature, as often claimed by some conservatives. It nurtures its basest, most despicable features. 

It is in the American interest for God’s wrath to become palpably evident, the sooner the better. The ravings about American exceptionalism and America as a propositional nation must come to an end. The alternative is the eternal Now of liberal totalitarianism devoid of true politics; frivolous, decadent, and ugly in every sense.  ◆

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