Author: Srdja Trifkovic (Srdja Trifkovic)

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A Tale of Two Elections

A Tale of Two Elections

Despite a surge of popular support for right-wing parties in Britain and France, this summer's elections ended with an effective containment of the right that will last for years to come.

Wokedom Westernizes Russia to Malign Her

Wokedom Westernizes Russia to Malign Her

By describing Russia as an heir to the habits of Western imperialism, the current woke psychosis, combined with crisis escalation in Ukraine, has the potential to destroy the remnant of our common European civilization.

Putin Almost Blew It

Putin Almost Blew It

None of what Putin said is new to those who have closely followed the sad saga of post-Soviet Ukraine, but the tens, perhaps hundreds, of millions of people who will watch this interview because of the identity of the interviewer, are unlikely ever again to accept uncritically the standard narrative spewed out by Western regimes and their media lapdogs.

Global Implications of U.S. Failure in Ukraine

Global Implications of U.S. Failure in Ukraine

After Ukraine, Beltway grandees will have to choose between accepting that America is but one great power among other great powers in a multipolar world, or continuing to pursue their insane obsession with America being the world’s “benevolent global hegemon.”

Kissinger’s Legacy

Kissinger’s Legacy

One of Henry Kissinger’s greatest virtues was his political realism and his resistance to America’s messianic urge, relentlessly promoted by both neoconservatives and neoliberals, to dominate the world as global hegemon.

Biden Meets Xi

Biden Meets Xi

China’s grand strategy of building and projecting its “comprehensive national power” is a long-term geopolitical design fundamentally incompatible with Washington’s determination to maintain its open-ended “full spectrum dominance.”

Hamas is Israel’s Golem

Hamas is Israel’s Golem

Hamas is a golem, a monstrous creature from Jewish folklore created from mud and made animate, which escaped his master and turned against him.

De-Dollarized, global hegemon, world’s reserve currency

The World De-Dollarized

A de-dollarized world, where the U.S. dollar is not the preeminent global currency, approaches quickly but this is nothing new—historically speaking—nor is it bad.

Israel’s Strategic Dilemma

Israel’s Strategic Dilemma

Israel will face an impossible strategic situation if it enters urban warfare in Gaza. Far from being a sign of weakness, exercising restraint in the face of Hamas’ provocations is the sound and politically profitable course of action.

Shock and Awe by Hamas

Shock and Awe by Hamas

This weekend’s unprecedented attack on Israel from Hamas exposes weaknesses in intelligence, fault lines in ongoing efforts to maintain stability and peace in the broader Middle East region, and potential dangers ahead for all parties.

Armenians in Peril, Again

Armenians in Peril, Again

The ongoing war between Azerbaijan and Armenia threatens the existence of Christian communities in the Near East. The Biden White House is unlikely to intervene in any way for fear of losing support from Turkey.

A Very Russian Drama

A Very Russian Drama

The aborted Wagner coup was an internal conflict within Russia's elites. Although resolved peacefully, it undermined Putin's authority and has increased the chance that he will be tempted to make risky moves—even nuclear ones.

Silvio Berlusconi: An Italian Saga

Silvio Berlusconi: An Italian Saga

Berlusconi was a singular phenomenon in Italian politics, a revolutionary and explosive blend of dynamic innovation and respect for tradition. With his death, a major chapter in the history of the Italian Republic comes to a close.

The Importance of Bahkmut

The Importance of Bahkmut

After the fall of Bakhmut, the moment of truth will come if the Ukrainian counteroffensive fizzles out, and especially if the Russians respond by starting a major advance of their own.

Erdoğan Victorious

Erdoğan Victorious

Erdoğan narrowly won a third term as Turkey’s president in the most momentous electoral contest of the year. Critics of his record on Western-style human rights fail to grasp that his blend of nationalism, Islamism, and neo-Ottoman visions of imperial grandeur has been enormously successful.

Letter from South Tyrol: Austria’s Crimea

Letter from South Tyrol: Austria’s Crimea

There are many arbitrarily drawn borders in the world, none more so than the one on the Brenner Pass (4,500 ft) between Austria and Italy. As you drive south along the Brenner Autobahn, the Alpine landscape does not change. Only the bilingual signposts indicate that you have crossed from Austria into Italy. Most people speak German, and all local stations...

Russia Blues

Russia Blues

The Ukrainian campaign is not just the fight to retain strategic depth along Russia’s vulnerable southwestern flank; it is also the struggle to retain its status as a great pow­er. The Biden administration is now more than ready for reckless escalation, a deadly game of chicken with nuclear stakes. The future is dark.

Letter From Austria: Freedom Party Rising

Letter From Austria: Freedom Party Rising

A historic electoral win by the right-wing Austrian Freedom Party in the country’s largest state shows that the ire of the easygoing Austrians has been stoked against unchecked immigration and the overbearing European Union

Syria: A Merciful Regime-Change Failure

Syria: A Merciful Regime-Change Failure

The failure of the American-instigated jihadist rebellion in Syria is a good thing. America’s involvement in a faraway land, where no vital U.S. interest exists, was and is an inherently bad idea.