Readers praise Prof. Gottfried for his piece on Vichy France, and Piers Shepherd for remembering Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira.
Author: Chronicles Staff (Chronicles Staff)
Polemics & Exchanges: December 2024
Chronicles readers comment upon and critique recent pieces by Geoff Shepard and Jeremy Carl.
Polemics & Exchanges: August 2024
Thomas Powers and Jeremy Carl agree on the problem of anti-white racism but spare over the proper response.
Polemics & Exchanges: May 2024
Chronicles contributors and readers tussle over Japanese culture, slavery, and NATO!
Polemics & Exchanges: March 2024
Readers tussle with Paul Gottfried over slavery and the War Between the States, praise for November's "End of the Dollar" issue, and more thoughts on the coming American resistance.
Polemics & Exchanges: February 2024
Chronicles readers discuss Taki's controversial December column on Palestinian misery, also, some praise for Stephen Presser's recent review, "Scalia Gets the Biography He Deserves."
Books in Brief: February 2024
Short reviews of From Immigrant to Public Intellectual, by Murray Sabrin, and The Classical and Christian Origins of American Politics, by Kody Cooper and Justin Dyer.
Polemics & Exchanges: December 2023
Chronicles readers discuss and critique recent articles on the U.S. dollar, immigration, and "therapism."
Polemics & Exchanges: November 2023
A reader critiques Pedro Gonzalez's September column: "Even a cursory review of the results suggests some level of fraud." Gonzalez replies: "Trump was a populist so unpopular that he lost the popular vote to Hillary Clinton."
Polemics & Exchanges: October 2023
J. Douglas Johnson, executive editor of Touchstone Magazine, critiques Tom Piatak's column in the August issue, and Mr. Piatak replies.
Polemics & Exchanges: June/July 2023
Reader letters to the editors, from the June/July issue.
Polemics & Exchanges: February 2023
Letters from readers about "Christian Nationalism--A Protestant View," by Stephen Wolfe, and "A Conspiracy Against the People," by Pedro Gonzalez.
Polemics & Exchanges: October 2022
Correspondence on Paul Gottfried's speech about Southern conservatives and Taki's article, "End of Empire, End of Manners."
Polemics & Exchanges: July 2022
Letters from readers about Chronicles articles "Revolt of the Fatherless," "America's 'Female Future' Has Open Borders," and about the war in Ukraine.
Polemics & Exchanges
Letters to the editor on the subject of post-war Germany, "effeminate cruelty," George Santayana, and the competing influences on human behavior of genes and culture.
Aaron D. Wolf: A Man of Faith and Family
The executive editor of Chronicles, Aaron Wolf, died suddenly and tragically on Easter Sunday. He left behind a loving wife and six children, and colleagues and contributors to this magazine who admired him greatly. Aaron worked for Chronicles for 20 years, and his journey reflects where the magazine and the conservative cultural movement it represents...