The more America acts like an imperial power, the more nationalist movements in other countries will treat us like one.
Author: Daniel McCarthy (Daniel McCarthy)
The Democrats’ Civil War
While the Democratic Party base demands strong opposition to Trump. their clever and unprincipled leaders know that it is smarter to be more like him.
Can Donald Trump Win a Trade War?
Good economic policy calls for a cool head, and Wall Street fears the president is letting his passions set the nation on a dangerous course.
Europe’s Decline Was a Choice
Europe took a 30-year vacation from history and can’t correct course with its current leadership.
How Trump Makes Europe Stronger
Eight decades after World War II, Europe needs to invest in its own moral, material, and intellectual defense.
The Civil Service’s Partisanship Problem
No matter who voters elect to the presidency, they get a Democratic bureaucracy.
What Kind of a Populist Is Elon Musk?
Populism isn’t about rejecting wealthy individuals like Trump or Musk but to curtail the self-dealing of an insider class.
Can Trump Win Trade Wars Before They Start?
Trump’s tough treatment of Canada and Mexico sent a message to the world and protects America’s interests.
The Pro-Life Federalism of Trump and Vance
The Trump-Vance approach has given pro-lifers victories that would have been impossible if abortion had remained a national issue.
Trump Inaugurates a New Era
Donald Trump dared everything in his inaugural address.
Democrats Aren’t Democracy’s Party
Burned when they trusted their voters to give them electable candidates in the ’70s, Democrats have turned to power brokers. And they still get it wrong.
Donald Trump’s Worldwide Election
Trump provides a voice for the right even beyond America's shores.
Make a Resolution to Fix Social Security
Calling attention to the fiscal realities that apply throughout the federal government has never been more essential.
Fighting Communism After the Cold War
Twenty-first-century Communism in this country is a way to feel clever about holding stupid and morally bankrupt views.
Birthright Citizenship Is a Breach in the Border
Trump’s promise to end birthright citizenship will be a battle but it’s a battle America can’t afford to lose.
Identity Politics, Not Biden, Cost Democrats the Election
Democrats are the victims of their party’s ideology.
Trump Draws the Map to 2028
Donald Trump destroyed the Democrats’ blue wall and, with it, their hopes for 2028.
Why Democrats Are Losing Tomorrow’s Elections Today
Democratic governors in deep blue states will own the largest share of the blame in the coming electoral reckoning.
Democrats Are at a Dead End, Unless They Learn From Trump
Democrats who hope to revitalize their party need to accept that wokeism is a dead end and learn from Trump in the same way they once learned from Reagan.
How Politics Hasn’t Changed Since Jefferson
The election of 1800 featured many of the same elements of our politics today.
Kamala Harris Targets Married Women
An intrusive new campaign stratagem from team Harris pits husbands and wives against each other and patronizes women at the same time.
Vibes Turn Bad for Kamala Harris
President Trump has become the more joyful campaigner in the wake of Kamala Harris’s attempts to absorb former Republicans into the Democratic base.
Why Veterans Are Voting for Trump
Whenever a high-profile general disparages Trump, his opinion makes headlines. The sentiments of ordinary soldiers, and veterans, get much less attention.
How Donald Trump Can Win the Popular Vote
Trump’s chances of success in the popular vote tied to the GOP’s prospects of extending its House majority.
Iran Targets America’s Elections—and Trump
Liberals accuse Trump of being cozy with dictators, but the dictators of Iran's cruel and corrupt regime find comfort only with Trump's Democratic opponents.
Trump’s Would-Be Assassin’s Explanation
If Democrats don’t weigh their words more carefully, more violence will follow from the likes of Ryan Routh.
When Character Assassination Becomes the Real Thing
Routh took both literally and seriously Democrats and progressives who say Trump is a threat to America's institutions and the rule of law itself.
Kamala Harris Runs Like a Republican—and Misleads on Tariffs
Kamala Harris—the incumbent Democrat Vice President—frames herself as Republican challenger. This messaging is misleading, but some free-market wonks are playing along.
On Abortion, Trump Is Moderate—While Harris Is Maximalist
The staunchest pro-lifers don't want to settle for Trump’s compromise, but the alternative on the ballot in November isn’t an absolute anti-abortion position.
It Won’t Be Easy to Make America Great Again
Election 2024 will not end or save humanity. What’s at stake in a presidential election is something far different from the all-or-nothing outcome that the rival campaigns envision.
Donald Trump Is Reagan’s Heir
The future of all Reagan secured for the country now hinges on what happens in this election.
Will Voters Settle for Joe Biden’s Understudy?
Harris is a more viable candidate than Biden was in his final weeks, but she isn’t prepared to be a better president—and Democrats know it.
Donald Trump Has to Run Like It’s 2016 Again
Social media didn’t elect Trump in 2016, showing up in the flesh did. The contours of the election have shifted and that’s what Trump needs to do again to win in 2024.
Is Trump Running Against Harris—or Donald Trump?
Trump can regain the momentum he’s lost since the convention—but only if he defines Harris in voters’ minds, so he’s running directly against her, not his party, his allies and himself.
Kamala Harris’s ‘Mean Girls’ Election
The trouble for Harris is that her most enthusiastic supporters are the media’s mean girls, not parents or working-class stiffs, who probably seem “weird” to the kids who support her.
Kamala Harris Is the Opponent Donald Trump Wants
Harris is running with Biden's record and Hillary Clinton's profile—not a winning combination, but one the party's bosses have decided to settle for.
Are Republicans Ready for Biden’s Counterattack?
Republicans need to be wary about becoming complacent about their chances in November or adopting the Democrats' framework on rhetoric and violence lest they make a strength out of Biden’s mediocrity.
Joe Biden Faces Richard Nixon’s Choice
Like Nixon, Biden must now write his last chapter—for one way or another, he’s reached the end of the book.
Should President Biden Drop Out—or Resign?
Biden has neither the stamina nor the cogency to fulfill the duties of his office. Those calling for him to step away from the race need to be calling for him to resign.
Separate Sexual Identity and State
What gives the LGBTQ community a right to an official presence in public that’s denied to religious believers?
Nigel Farage Makes the Trump Moment Permanent
Brexit and Trump’s election were eight years ago, but 2016 is still the present and future of the political right.
1984 in 2024: Orwell Was Right
Our present world feels more and more like Orwell’s dystopia but unlike in his story, we have the power to stop the party we live under.
Virginia Turns Toward Trump
Biden received the benefit of the doubt in 2020 from suburbanites who wanted competence and calm. He won't get that this year, after the record he's run up.
The Free-Market Populism of Javier Milei
Just as some businessmen who’ve lost their subsidies still back Milei, populist voters in the United States aren’t necessarily looking for handouts. They want a fair shake, not a New Deal.
Trump’s Sun Belt Hopes and Rust Belt Needs
Trump should do everything he can to win the Sun Belt, and black and Hispanic voters, away from Biden. But his priority must be to win back the Rust Belt states and white voters he lost in 2020.
What Trump Sees in Doug Burgum
Trump’s VP contest isn’t really about the contestants; it’s about investing the audience in the drama of choosing and the man making the choice. Burgum is just plausible enough to extend that drama.
The Vietnam Era Never Ended for Biden’s Party
The Democratic party only has papered over its contradictions ever since 1968. Today’s campus protests have ripped off the wrapper, and they’re forcing on Biden a choice he can’t, or won’t, make.
Nationalists of the World, Unite?
If there's going to be any democracy in the 21st century—in America, Europe, Israel or anywhere—there must be nations and nationalists willing to stand for them.
Foreign Policy Splits the Parties
When it comes to foreign policy America’s two political parties are split—not so much against each other—but against themselves.
Trump and the Pro-Life Dilemma
Pro-lifers upset with Trump mistake their situation. They're not missing an opportunity to declare a universal right to life; they're rather in a pitched battle to stop the other side from reestablishing a universal right to abortion.