Author: Daniel McCarthy (Daniel McCarthy)

Home Daniel McCarthy
The Democrats’ Civil War

The Democrats’ Civil War

While the Democratic Party base demands strong opposition to Trump. their clever and unprincipled leaders know that it is smarter to be more like him.

Virginia Turns Toward Trump

Virginia Turns Toward Trump

Biden received the benefit of the doubt in 2020 from suburbanites who wanted competence and calm. He won't get that this year, after the record he's run up.

What Trump Sees in Doug Burgum

What Trump Sees in Doug Burgum

Trump’s VP contest isn’t really about the contestants; it’s about investing the audience in the drama of choosing and the man making the choice. Burgum is just plausible enough to extend that drama.

Trump and the Pro-Life Dilemma

Trump and the Pro-Life Dilemma

Pro-lifers upset with Trump mistake their situation. They're not missing an opportunity to declare a universal right to life; they're rather in a pitched battle to stop the other side from reestablishing a universal right to abortion.