The Boomers received the American dream on a silver platter and they destroyed it. That is their legacy.
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Post-Boomer Conservatism
Baby Boomer conservatism arose during the salad days of American capitalism, the apex of American military might, and the drama of the Cold War. That's all gone and the young right stands at a crossroads.
The Boomer Truth Regime
Baby Boomers have safeguarded and perpetuated a grand myth through which they interpret past and present events, and derive motivations. Myth is one hell of a drug.
Will Fox News Outlive the Boomers?
Fox News continues occupying the right-center in American politics, but the rising generation of American rightists are miles further off to starboard.
We Were Right About the Managerial State
In the '80s, Chronicles emerged as the sole voice within the conservative movement questioning the ever-growing managerial state.
We Were Right About Foreign Policy
U.S. leaders continue vindicating Chronicles' warnings with their disastrous foreign policy decisions. It remains to be seen whether President Trump will continue to break the trend by keeping the U.S. out of unnecessary wars.
We Were Right About Immigration
There was little critical discussion of immigration in the pre-Trump era save in the pages of paleoconservative publications such as Chronicles and VDare. We were right and it's time to say so!
We Were Right About Tariffs
Trump is again preparing to use tariffs to maximize America’s leverage and expand its deal-making options. Tariffs can and will be used to promote an America First trade agenda.
We Were Right About the Family
As Chronicles broke free of movement conservatism, we began exploring the disintegration of the family and we found many likeminded friends. It was an exciting time.
Intersectional Technocracy: The New Matrix
Many political theorists have declared the battle over ideologies outmoded and supplanted by a reign of experts or technocrats, but ideology has made a comeback.
Democracy and the Manipulation of Public Opinion
Walter Lippmann and John Dewey wrestled over the competence of the common citizen and the very notion of public opinion.
Return of the War Nerds
As the MAGA political realignment consolidates its power within the GOP, the neocons view the Democratic Party as the best vehicle for their policies.
The Swan Song of the Arch Neocon
Condoleezza Rice presents a dangerous mixture of militarism and liberal universalism. She is the last Bush-era neocon enjoying relevancy, which makes her even more dangerous.
Neocon Artistry and Its Discontents
The Neocons, with the political left, now comprise a uniparty elite that confuses the interests of the state with the interests of the American people.
The Watergate Show Trial
During the Watergate show trial, the due process guarantees of the Fifth and Sixth Amendments were simply cast aside in an effort to destroy a president who was hated by the Washington “Deep State.”
The Pitfalls of a Woke Foreign Policy
American foreign policy holds woke social engineering as its objective to the detriment of the true national interest.
What’s at Stake in the 2024 Election
The editors of Chronicles have asked a collection of commentators to imagine the potential consequences of this election for our readers.
The Countermarch
This election will determine more than control of the White House or Congress; the future of dissident resistance is at stake.
Trumpism Has a Future Now
Donald Trump has secured a future for Trumpism by picking J. D. Vance as his running mate. Trump has ensured that Trumpism will not only be about Trump.
Getting Better By Going Back
The next administration needs to get back to basics. We need to restore law and order, the colorblind meritocracy, and quality education.
The Protection Election
Right wing politicos should focus on protecting alternative networks and institutions from the current, corrupt regime. As for scaling down or ousting said regime, that's not happening.
Is a Black Female Dictator in Our Future?
A Harris presidency would mean that the Orwellian trauma will only be intensified: Doublespeak, gaslighting, the erasure of history, and big lies that amount to the reverse or inverse of the truth.
It Won’t Be Easy to Make America Great Again
Election 2024 will not end or save humanity. What’s at stake in a presidential election is something far different from the all-or-nothing outcome that the rival campaigns envision.
Know Your Enemy
A Kamala Harris presidency would further solidify the loose federation of institutions that I call the group-quota regime. This regime is bent on destroying the American way of life.
The Rule of Lawfare
Lawfare is the manipulation of the legal system to get Donald Trump. But more broadly, it's the use of existing law, in a manner not intended by its framers, to neutralize or destroy enemies of those in power.
Slouching Towards the Gulag
The Trump “hush money” verdict should serve as a wake-up call to all freedom-loving Americans. If the best-known man in the world can be railroaded in a rigged kangaroo court, any of us could be.
The Empire Strikes Back
Prosecutors pick the person or target and then go searching for the crime. Trump supporters are the latest most glaring example of this inversion of justice, which if often called "lawfare."
Learning From the Fate of the American Indian
The plight of American Indians provides a cautionary tale on what happens when you can’t or won’t stop those who have come to replace you. Middle Americans and conservatives should take notice.
American Citizens or Tribal Members of Sovereign Nations?
American Indians compose a nation within a nation. They enjoy American rights and privileges, but also tribal rights and privileges.
The Quandry of Tribal Sovereignty
Native American resistance, resilience, and perseverance remain prevalent. The limits of Native American sovereignty remain mysterious.
The Hate That Dare Not Speak Its Name
The grand strategy of the Democratic Party has become to exploit the growing diversity of the American electorate to construct a Coalition of the Fringes. One result has been the cultural acceptance of anti-white racism.
The Unprotected Class
To combat anti-white discrimination is not something we should do for whites but for all Americans, because if we don’t change the course we are on, we are all going to suffer.
The Anti-White Totalitarians
The end game for the anti-white elites is to maintain control, marginalize and, if necessary, wreak destruction upon those who challenge their sway.
Classical Liberalism Must Endure
The right must defend and restore the early modern-era values of classical liberalism, rather than abandoning them just because they have been perverted by the postmodern left.
Our Grim Postliberal Future
We inhabit a world vastly different from the one in which liberalism flourished. Liberalism, properly understood, is gone and not coming back.
A Society That Has Forgotten How to Sing
When words have lost all their musical and poetic power, ultimately they lose all of their power to pierce to the heart of reality itself.
Pulling the Plug on NATO
Every pro-NATO argument is really an argument for its abolition—in the eyes of America's patriotic realists.
An Obsolete Alliance Turns 75
NATO has undermined the security of its members and created enemies that, in turn, justify further NATO interference in an increasingly unstable “security environment.”
What’s Wrong With the Intellectuals?
The intellectual classes and the Gnostic revolution.
Culture War, Whether We Like It or Not
We need to rethink how we fight the ascendant cultural left, which does not consider truth an arbiter.
Three Conceptions of Conservatism
Editor-in-chief Paul Gottfried offers an examination of three major streams of conservative thought, based on aristocratic tradition, universal principles, and the pragmatic pursuit of power.
Conservatism After Defeat
Edmund Burke’s statement of government as a compromise and a sharing of power is no longer relevant today. The world has been remade since Burke's warnings, unfortunately.
Burke on our Crisis of Character
Abandoning our tradition-based constitutional republic, whether for a mythical medieval shire, an idyll of Lockean abstractions, or even a Church militant, is neither necessary nor prudent.
The Age of Reason and the Age of Fear
There are uncanny similarities between the 18th and the 21st centuries. The whole concept of liberty, equality and fraternity in the last two decades of the 18th century was as much based on a lie as it is in the first two decades of the 21st.
The World De-Dollarized
A de-dollarized world, where the U.S. dollar is not the preeminent global currency, approaches quickly but this is nothing new—historically speaking—nor is it bad.
The Political Roots of America’s Inflation Problem
Americans are paying more for life’s necessities, they have meddling policy makers to blame.
The Coming Displacement of the Dollar
The American dollar will be displaced as the global reserve currency by 2040, and the unipolar superpower of the United States will be but one player in a multipolar world.
Against the Black Pill
We suffer an oligarchic, feminizing regime that is hostile to most of the defining elements of traditional American identity. But, we also enjoy a golden age of dissent. Now is not the time for despair.
When the Center Does Not Hold
The federalism of the American founders provides a way to contain Americans’ cultural differences within the political system and maintain order.
The Two Nations
Localism is the emergent political movement that presents the best alternative to globalism.