Category: View

Home View
anti-white gurus

The Hate That Dare Not Speak Its Name

The grand strategy of the Democratic Party has become to exploit the growing diversity of the American electorate to construct a Coalition of the Fringes. One result has been the cultural acceptance of anti-white racism.

Critical race theory, anti-white, racism

The Unprotected Class

To combat anti-white discrimination is not something we should do for whites but for all Americans, because if we don’t change the course we are on, we are all going to suffer.

NATO, Europe, member nations

An Obsolete Alliance Turns 75

NATO has undermined the security of its members and created enemies that, in turn, justify further NATO interference in an increasingly unstable “security environment.”

Three Conceptions of Conservatism

Three Conceptions of Conservatism

Editor-in-chief Paul Gottfried offers an examination of three major streams of conservative thought, based on aristocratic tradition, universal principles, and the pragmatic pursuit of power.

Edmund Burke, tradition, compromise, Russell Kirk

Conservatism After Defeat

Edmund Burke’s statement of government as a compromise and a sharing of power is no longer relevant today. The world has been remade since Burke's warnings, unfortunately.

Edmund Burke, Conservative, prudence, constitution

Burke on our Crisis of Character

Abandoning our tradition-based constitutional republic, whether for a mythical medieval shire, an idyll of Lockean abstractions, or even a Church militant, is neither necessary nor prudent.

The Age of Reason and the Age of Fear

The Age of Reason and the Age of Fear

There are uncanny similarities between the 18th and the 21st centuries. The whole concept of liberty, equality and fraternity in the last two decades of the 18th century was as much based on a lie as it is in the first two decades of the 21st.

De-Dollarized, global hegemon, world’s reserve currency

The World De-Dollarized

A de-dollarized world, where the U.S. dollar is not the preeminent global currency, approaches quickly but this is nothing new—historically speaking—nor is it bad.

Black Pill, Dissident Golden Age, Dissident right, Christopher Rufo

Against the Black Pill

We suffer an oligarchic, feminizing regime that is hostile to most of the defining elements of traditional American identity. But, we also enjoy a golden age of dissent. Now is not the time for despair.

federalism cultural civil war

When the Center Does Not Hold

The federalism of the American founders provides a way to contain Americans’ cultural differences within the political system and maintain order.

Subverting Protestantism

Subverting Protestantism

The Missouri Synod is siding with Antifa over its own historic teachings, and its own members. Congregants within other supposed conservative churches should take note—be prepared for false promises and betrayal.

The State of Catholicism

The State of Catholicism

The post-conciliar Church's efforts to bring Christ into the modern world have brought the modern world into the Church. The Church is not moving the world; the world is moving the Church.

Toward a Secular America

Toward a Secular America

America is finally joining the secularism of the other nations of the West. In this transition to secularism one key lesson emerges: faith is inextricably bound up with family.

A Bridge to Nowhere

A Bridge to Nowhere

Modernist education is a bridge to nowhere. This is so almost by definition because modernism holds no transcendent aim for man nor even any reliable bedrock of human truth upon which to build. 

Rise of the Deadbots

Rise of the Deadbots

Among the advancements in AI applications are those popularly known as “deadbots,” which allow users to speak to the dead without secret rituals, mediums, Ouija boards, or cryptic table-tapping. The proliferation of deadbots poses serious ethical questions, and their growing acceptance is a measure of our desperate, post-human secularity.

Being Human

Being Human

Questions of transhumanism have been the subject of many dystopian and futuristic movies, but our fascination with the subject says more about ourselves than the machines.

A Deal With the Digital Devil

A Deal With the Digital Devil

Transhumanism is a materialist inversion of spiritual aspirations, which promises to create a heaven on earth in exchange for merging our souls with machines.

Why Wokeism Is Not Marxist

Why Wokeism Is Not Marxist

At present, it is not a Marxian anti-capitalist left that most threatens our society. It is a wokeism perfectly happy to consolidate progressive business monopolies with massive economic power over individual lives.

What’s Next for the Right?

What’s Next for the Right?

The Republican Party must get its own house in order, suppress the influence of its establishment members, and offer a coherent, principled, and politically viable program to the American electorate.

The Great Conservative Death Wish

The Great Conservative Death Wish

The unremitting success of the left’s march through Western institutions hardly suggests that liberals suffer from a death wish; on the contrary, it is conservatism that appears to be consuming itself.

An Underwhelming Haul

An Underwhelming Haul

Despite enjoying many advantages, from the state of the economy to Biden's unpopular presidency, Republicans were out-electioneered by the Democrats in the 2022 midterms. How did it happen?

America First

America First

In this 1996 essay, the late Congressman James Traficant illustrates the Washington establishment’s habitual subordination of America to foreign interests.

Anarcho-Tyranny, U.S.A.

Anarcho-Tyranny, U.S.A.

While violent criminals are given a pass to victimize and reoffend, the everyday American finds himself under the heel of an increasingly invasive and oppressive state.