Author: Jeffrey Hart (Jeffrey Hart)

Home Jeffrey Hart

‘Rights’ and the Constitution

On September 25, 1789, Congress submitted to the states for ratification ten amendments to the 1787 Constitution, known as the Bill of Rights. Seldom is there much serious reflection on the issues involved in a “Bill of Rights,” but there was a great deal in 1787-1789. Those Americans were highly informed political thinkers, versed in...

La Pasionaria of the Beltway

La Pasionaria of the Beltway

“Even a child is known by his doings.” —Proverbs 20:11 This book is at once a strange object and a peculiar event. To touch on the latter for a moment, it was excerpted before publication in the New York Times Sunday Magazine, which chose with an unerring eye those passages most damaging to Ronald Reagan...