Author: Mark G. Brennan (Mark G. Brennan)

Home Mark G. Brennan

Unhappy Anniversary

The one-year anniversary of the 2008 global financial-market implosion passed with little fanfare.  With the U.S. stock market soaring throughout the spring and summer, the Pollyannas of the American media preferred to focus their attention on the return of good times while ignoring all that ancient ugliness of last year.  In September 2008, at the...


Family Matters

Cesar Rodriguez, a 27-year-old unemployed security guard, had it in for 7-year-old Nixzmary Brown, the daughter of Nixzaliz Santiago, his common-law wife.  After losing his job a few days before Christmas, Rodriguez increased the frequency of his daily beatings of the helpless, undernourished four-foot-tall girl.  Police records indicate that Rodriguez had been beating her for...

The Dissenting Eagle

The Dissenting Eagle

Few decisions require more prudence and judiciousness than when a country’s leaders determine whether to go to war.  They must weigh the cost in lives, national treasure, and security against the price of inaction.  Morality may enter their calculations through the application of just-war theory.  They will listen to, if not necessarily heed, diverse voices...