Author: Mary Lefkowitz (Mary Lefkowitz)

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Sophocles’ Antigone

Sophocles’ Antigone

Sophocles’ Antigone is a drama about a young woman who defies orders because she believes them to be wrong.  Her uncle Creon, the ruler of Thebes, had proclaimed that no one was to give the rites of burial to Antigone’s brother Polynices, because he besieged his own homeland.  However, Greek religious custom unambiguously requires that...

Not Out of Africa

Not Out of Africa

If radical Afrocentrists have their way, soon all schoolchildren will learn—as some are now learning—a version of ancient Mediterranean history that gives credit for the Greek achievement to the ancient Egyptians. The Afrocentrists contend that what most people have learned about the origins of Western civilization is untrue. According to them, the ancient history we...