Author: Timothy Ashby (Timothy Ashby)

Home Timothy Ashby

The Straight and Narrow

“Lessons are not given, they are taken.” —Cesare Pavese Although subtitled The Invisible Revolution in the Third World, Hernando de Soto’s The Other Path is as much revelatory as revolutionary. For one who has grappled with the problems of Third World development, seeking to define and articulate a certain truth sensed to be hidden beneath...


The Lessons of Grenada

“To conquer tumult, nature’s sodin force, War . . . was first devis’d.” —Sir William D’Avenant Grenada’s Communist interlude has become the subject of an intense postmortem by scholars of varying ideological hues. Historically, the small island is destined to be a symbol of the Reagan years. However much the US intervention of October 25,...