The Christian Vision: Man in Society; Edited by Lynne Morris; The Hillsdale College Press; Hillsdale, MI.

“Where there is no vision,” says Prov­erbs, “the people perish.” Because the vision provided by Judeo-Christianity has been fading for some time on America’s campuses, college graduates informed by a sense of purpose and meaning have become rare. As Stephen Muller, president of Johns Hopkins has suggested, higher education may now be producing merely “highly skilled barbarians.” At Hillsdale College, Hillsdale, Michigan, a serious effort is being made to reverse this trend by instituting a multidisciplinary Christian Studies Program. To initiate this pro­gram, Hillsdale invited a number of leading Christian scholars to join in a week-long convocation exploring the significance of their faith in such di­verse fields as physics (Stanley Jaki), literature (Thomas Howard), political science (Gerhart Niemeyer), pedagogy (Carl F. H. Henry and Thomas Burke), psychology (Paul Vitz), and philosophy (James Packer). More such efforts are needed to resolve what Professor Henry correctly identifies as the current “intel­lectual and moral crisis” in Western civilization.              cc