Sympathy for Blue-Eyed White Devils

“Blue-eyed white devils” are not very popular nowadays. At least not with a recent migrant, who was thrown off an airline flight for calling his fellow travelers thus. The man was drunk; he may also have been a reader of the New York Times or a watcher of NBC, because he really had it in for white people.

I was not surprised when I read about him, especially his use of the phrase blue-eyed white devils. It reminded me of something the natives would say in an old black-and-white jungle movie about the white skinned, blue-eyed, loin-clothed Tarzan

Whites are under the gun today for a very simple reason: Their past implies a position of cultural supremacy. This is a fact confirmed by the history of civilization, which really began with the Greeks followed by the Romans. Their close neighbors, the Persians, Etruscans, and Carthaginians have only walk-on parts in history.

Of the prehistoric peoples who did not develop advanced cultures or leave behind sophisticated writing, we know very little. The descendants of these prehistoric people are now among us, and it’s no wonder they call us blue-eyed white devils. Today’s provocative displays of ethnicity, especially among onanist students, flatulent professors, and talent-free plebeian journalists, are a rebellion against American universities placing Western Europe at the center of the world before 1492. It is the last positive thing and true teaching of history in which universities have engaged.

Mind you, the Greeks referred to those who spoke different languages as barbarians, intimating they were in some sense inferior and suitable for enslavement, which was a common treatment of foreign enemies across all cultures. The subject of slavery is very au courant nowadays, with folks who would rather loaf than work demanding reparations for the enslavement of their ancestors, a racket that goes hand-in-hand with hating whites.

But whites were enslaved in the past, too, not least by the Romans, who had them rowing nonstop in their warships all over the Mediterranean. When the Muslim empires rose and expanded across West Africa during the Middle Ages, black slaves were traded nonstop, with blacks selling other blacks and Muslims selling blacks they had captured in conquest. Slavery also existed in China, though throughout its history most of its people were peasant laborers who lived little better than slaves. Nowadays when you encounter a Chinese gentleman, do not thrust your dirty laundry at him: he is probably a diplomat or a tech entrepreneur. (Don’t repeat that observation of mine; people nowadays are very, very touchy.)

Never mind. We whites are here to take the blame for all history’s evils with a smile. The fact that slavery has been a constant in almost every society since the dawn of recorded history is immaterial to those who prefer to blame whites. The first whites that profited from slavery were Charles V and Ferdinand of Aragon, who shipped a couple hundred black slaves to the New World. That soon became a regular one-way trip for hundreds of thousands of blacks sold to their North American clients by their African masters.

Reframing history for political purposes is, of course, part of history. So it’s convenient for minorities in historically white Western countries to ignore the truth about the history of slavery while banging the drums against white devils. Bad faith arguments abound in today’s news, with white policemen, white history, and white culture being in the forefront of hate.

Corporations such as the once-wonderful Disney Company have also gotten in on the act, and are now at the forefront of producing antiwhite content and antiwhite policies. As the conservative group America First Legal alleges, Disney programming such as its “Rise Up, Sing Out” cartoon “tells young children that ‘racism in the world affects me and you’ and that their skin color is what defines them.” Talk about child molestation!

Dividing Americans into white people who are guilty and people of color who are innocent is the left’s ghastly enterprise today. Whites at work are compelled to sit through “diversity, equity and inclusion” humiliation sessions, with “critical race theory” shoved down their throats. The left wants to indoctrinate everyone to believe that race matters more than character.

The reality is quite different. Black leaders have let their constituents down since the 1960s by not reading them the riot act. Instead of preaching to young women not to have children out of wedlock and to fatherless young men not to join gangs, they blame whitey for their flock’s self-induced disasters.

Joe Biden and other Democrats are beholden to identity politics, and the nation will remain split unless they are rejected. And as long as black leaders continue to play the race card, blacks will continue to feel that the law and blue-eyed white devils are against them from the start. ◆

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