Pauline Glen Winslow: I, Martha Adams; St. Martin; New York.

Something strange is brewing in the popular arts these days. Red Dawn reminded its very large audiences of the possible menace of a Soviet invasion, and every week producer Stephen J. Cannell entertains millions of Ameri­ can viewers with the exploits of heroic Vietnam veterans on the A Team (the most reactionary show ever on televi­sion) and Riptide. Even novelists are turning to pro-American themes. Last year, Martyn Burke’s very funny Commissar’s Report provided,between the laughs, a frightening glimpse into Sovi­et life. Now comes I, Martha Adams, a thriller by the author of The Branden­burg Hotel and The Counsellor Heart.

The Russians have occupied the U.S. Predictably, most government of­ficials accommodate themselves to the new order. All the usual arguments about sensitivity and compassion are trotted out to support nonresistance, and the radical chic crowd actually applauds the invasion as a step toward world peace. Only Martha Adams, the wife of a dead scientist, knows the secret of an American Doomsday Machine which could bring the Soviets to their knees.This fast-paced.and very reada­ ble adventure novel chronicles Martha Adam’s almost single-handed efforts to save her country. It is, as they say, a good read and the perfect gift for patri­ots addicted to thrillers.             cc