Authoritarians who have managed to entrench their control over the United States and countries in Europe need to be defeated once and for all.
Tag: climate change
climate change
May 6, 2024May 6, 2024Web
Delusion Is Killing the American Republic
More Americans are mentally ill than ever before. It’s no wonder we are seeing signs of it in our politics.
January 9, 2024January 9, 2024Web
The Electric Vehicle Scam Grows
Americans with a sincere concern for the environment and with the concept of self-government should learn to restore an old car and drive it.
March 28, 2023March 28, 2023Web
Climate Science Makes a Bad Religion
Climate ideology derives its power from its resemblance to religion. But it's a poor substitute for a real faith.
February 28, 2023February 28, 2023Web
The World Bank’s Green Imperialism
The World Bank is the financial arm by which the liberal international order exercises control over poor and developing nations.
September 1, 2022October 7, 2022Sins of Omission, Columns
Amnesia of the Weather Alarmists
Hot weather is nothing new. The climate alarmists would be less alarmed if they knew history.