Is a Black Female Dictator in Our Future?

Our elites have already decided that once they establish a dictatorship in America, it will be led by an “other”—someone who “identifies as” a “woman” and a “BIPOC” (Black, Indigenous, and Person of Color). Thus, it should come as no surprise that the United States is now on the brink of having a “black woman” elected as the figurehead of the woke dictatorship.

Whether Kamala Harris is technically “black” is not determinative. She meets the socially constructed intersectional criteria for subordination. Thus, she merits a position at the top of the inverted social justice hierarchy. Under the woke dictatorship, this is enough to warrant her presidential eligibility.

The social construction of race and reality has long been deployed by the “elites,” with their mostly subconscious adoption of postmodernist theoretical concepts, of which they are now the unrivaled masters. Our so-called elites are social constructivists through and through. They employ what I call “practical postmodernism” to enforce their version of reality. As I wrote in Springtime for Snowflakes:

Once beliefs are unconstrained by the object world … the possibility for assuming a pretense of infallibility becomes almost irresistible, especially when the requisite power is available to support such beliefs. In fact, given its willy-nilly determination of truth and reality on the basis of beliefs alone, philosophical and social idealism [for which postmodernism is infamous] necessarily becomes dogmatic, authoritarian, anti-rational, and effectively religious.

And when our epistemological moorings in the object world are untethered, there is no court of appeal—other than authority. Or, as Orwell put it in 1984:

In the end the Party would announce that two and two made five, and you would have to believe it. It was inevitable that they should make that claim sooner or later: the logic of their position demanded it. Not merely the validity of experience, but the very existence of external reality, was tacitly denied by their philosophy.

Wokeness is a totalitarian ideology that demands, among other things, reversing norms and making the previous norms verboten and illegal. The enterprise is not aimed at protecting so-called subordinated minorities. It’s about criminalizing the belief in and reporting on the evidence of one’s own senses. Again, from 1984:

It was as though some huge force were pressing down upon you— something that penetrated inside your skull, battering against your brain, frightening you out of your beliefs, persuading you, almost, to deny the evidence of your senses…

The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final,  most essential command.

A Harris presidency would mean that the Orwellian trauma will only be intensified. Doublespeak, gaslighting, the erasure of history, and in Andrzej Łobaczewski’s vernacular in Political Ponerology, “reversive blockades,” or the “big lies” that amount to the reverse or inverse of the truth, will be issued unironically and abundantly. The nonplayer characters (NPCs) among the population will believe them, while anyone who demurs will be labeled “weird” and promptly eliminated.

Bills like the “Inflation Reduction Act,” if passed, similarly will result in the direct opposite of what their names suggest.

DEI will disappear as such, but not because DEI initiatives will not be implemented. It will disappear because it will no longer require a designation, having infiltrated and been fully absorbed into all transactional encounters. BlackRock CEO Larry Fink calls it “stakeholder capitalism.” The stakeholder drives the stake through your heart as she calls you a Neanderthal.

Executive orders eliminating gas-powered automobiles and leaf blowers, as well as forbidding eating meat, growing vegetables, and owning guns—and who knows what else—will be issued from day one of a Harris administration. The extent to which the regime will curtail personal and economic freedom is almost unimaginable, although I wouldn’t rule out orders to reduce heavy breathing and thus sexual intercourse and exercise, which could soon be declared contributors to “climate change.”

A Harris regime would signal the completion of Obama’s decades-long effort to “fundamentally transform” the United States, but not from its welfare-warfare statism. Instead, the change will be the extinction of any vestiges of so-called American “whiteness.” Whiteness being a stand-in for individualism, the free market, entrepreneurship, meritocracy, differing outcomes, individual rights, free speech, actual bodily autonomy, freedom of religion, and national pride.

“The abolition of whiteness” means the elimination from positions of power and influence anyone who holds these values, whether they are “white” or not. Such dissidents increasingly will be designated as retrograde, as barriers to “progress,” as part of the “far right,” and as “domestic terrorists”—whether they are MAGA or more broadly libertarian. Whiteness will also designate all whites as suspects—that is, until they disavow it.

At most, Donald Trump represents a possible reprieve from this insanity.

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