America has never had an election like the one that will be decided today. Never has a presidential candidate faced, not just the dishonor of defeat, but the threat of jail, financial ruin, and even death at the hands of his opposition. Donald Trump may not have the purity of Cincinnatus, but for the cause of political reform he has fought heroically and suffered much.
While lesser candidates like Barack Obama have won riches and fame at little cost to themselves in pursuing office, Trump has risked everything he has to “make America great again.” Today is his last battle, and it may well be America’s, too.
The corrupt political class that champions Kamala Harris hates America and wants to fundamentally transform it. Her fraudulent candidacy is an insult to this country, its people, and the ingenious, liberal political system devised by the founders nearly 250 years ago. Harris has run the most nihilistic campaign ever seen in the modern era. She owes her entire political rise to California’s one-party political machine, and arbitrary qualifications based on identity. She is utterly bereft of competence, talents, accomplishments, or beliefs other than woke gibberish that even she may be too intelligent to believe.
Harris represents everything regressive and illiberal about America today: she has, at various points, endorsed censorship, defunding police, and paying reparations for American slavery. She is a child of the “Great Replacement” which sees all Western nations as evil and deserving of retribution for their former greatness. While it has not received as much scrutiny as it warrants, her career began with an exchange of sexual favors with a much older, powerful man. The only “issue” championed by Harris is the guarantee that young women can have abortions everywhere and up to and even past the point of delivery. The entire phenomenon of her candidacy is a test of the people and their fitness for liberty: Can America still recognize a threat when it sees one?
Harris’s platitudes about unifying the nation are belied by the hostility of the current administration toward what it calls human garbage. The regime treats half of our citizens like domestic enemies and has turned their towns into dumping grounds for the rest of the world’s refuse. Joe Biden, the putative president, exposed the true feelings of Harris’s cohort when he explicitly called Trump supporters “garbage.” If they had any love for this country, they would not try to force Harris on us with this degrading spectacle.
Today, America has an opportunity to return the insult. The oligarchy of which Harris is the puppet has incredible power, but they cannot have a plan for every contingency—yet. They can still be stopped by “garbage” in the unfashionable state of Pennsylvania, the place where our Declaration was signed, our Constitution devised, where Washington camped at Valley Forge, and where thousands bled and died at Gettysburg in this nation’s greatest tragedy.
Pennsylvania is once again at the crossroads of history. The day is Trump’s to lose. The momentum is clearly on his side, and if he wins, we will begin to see clear signs of his victory tonight, before there is any time for skullduggery. If Harris pulls off an upset today, the country will still be called America, and the permanent government class may, for the sake of expediency and with much righteousness, quote the founders to cloak themselves in false legitimacy. But the America that many still living can recall will be extinguished forever. The white descendants of those who died for the cause of freedom will become pariahs—much as Trump has become a pariah—and strangers in their own land.
Harris’ gestures at conciliation are hollow. The left has no intention of making peace with Trump’s America. They have made that clear repeatedly for almost a decade now, and in case anyone missed it, their closing argument is that Trump and anyone who supports him is a Nazi.
These epithets have not convinced the country to reject Trump, however. Trump is the furthest thing from a dictator—he embodies the bold and defiant American spirit that built the freest nation the world has ever known. That is what the left finds so terrifying about Trump and his historic popular movement. What Trump has done, in these last eight years since he came out of the blue and changed everything, is open a gateway to a better future than the one envisioned by Obama and the so-called progressive “elites.” As long as Trump and we are fighting them, they have not yet won the final victory.
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