Democrats: Jobs for Illegals, Welfare for Blacks

It is no secret that “fundamentally transforming” America and maintaining the power of Democrats has always required a certain percentage of black Americans to be their guinea pigs—forever financially dependent on Democrats and the government welfare system. This plan has been in operation since President Lyndon B. Johnson coordinated with the Democrat machine to create the so-called Great Society, which drastically reformed and facilitated the transformation of the federal government into an administrative “deep state.”

It is also among the reasons why inner-city black Americans keeps struggling and have been unable to advance into to higher paying jobs. To keep this demographic under their control, Democrats are making it harder for blacks who are willing to work from getting a start in the workforce with lower paying jobs that could provide independence, stability, and crucial job experience. This also helps explain why Democrats today, like those in the Biden-Harris administration, are happy to tolerate an illegal border invasion policy. As a black pastor, I have publicly said that I believe it is blacks, especially, who are being replaced at the border.

When you understand this political scheme, it is easier to understand why Democrats are not bothered in the least that blacks are losing jobs to illegal immigrants who are pouring into inner-cities, like Chicago and New York. Democrats are happy to seduce and settle into various parts of America (often under the cover of night through tax-payer funded flights), illegal immigrants who they hope will broaden their base. When illegals take low-wage positions, Democrats see this as a pathway to even more electoral control because they plan to provide these illegals eventually with citizenship. Democratic Senator Elizabeth Warren made no secret about this plan in a recent interview, which happened to coincide with Democratic Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson’s plea to the Biden administration “to grant work permits to half a million illegal immigrants.” (And thanks to concerned citizens, we are also learning how many illegals are being registered to vote without the bother of getting citizenship.)

While the Democrats’ support for illegal immigration is undoubtedly the worst of all their policies—destroying America generally and hurting poor black Americans particularly—there are countless other examples of deceitful Democratic policies that have also wrought havoc and made the lives of those living on lower wages even more difficult.

Take for instance Obamacare—a major and notorious Democratic policy, falsely hailed as a boon to low-wage earners, when it actually inflicted unnecessary hardship. When companies were forced to offer healthcare to all their employees working full-time, employers in industries like food and retail simply reduced employee hours in order to stay afloat. As a result, those employees who had their hours reduced still don’t have employer provided health insurance but are now also compelled to take on multiple part-time jobs and have had to inconveniently shuffle to-and-fro between them, instead advancing in one full-time job.

A similar situation occurs when Democrats order employers, in Soviet-style, to provide employees higher wages. When minimum wage increases are mandated, Democrats pretend to weep over  low-wage earners, selling the lie that it is for his benefit that wages have been forcibly raised. What happens is that many employees end up losing their jobs because companies cannot afford to pay more. One need only look at what is happening now in California under Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom. It is worth noting that another consequence of outrageous minimum wage hikes is that employers, when they can get away with it, will choose to hire illegal immigrants instead of Americans to pay them beginners’ wages. This is why many black Americans, especially in California, are currently losing out to illegals.

But perhaps the biggest policy proof of how Democrats keep inner-city blacks down is the Democrats’ overwhelming support for teachers’ unions and their empty objections to school choice. If Democrats were serious about policies that would give young children the chance to break through the cycle of poverty and potentially learn a trade for higher paying jobs, they would support such innovations. Instead they continue to support the same failing public school formulas that, in 2019 showed that an astronomical “84 percent of Black students lack proficiency in mathematics and 85 percent of Black students lack proficiency in reading skills.” In telling moments of candor, Democrats do not even pretend not to know how bad this problem they have created is: . Consider the case of Democratic New York Governor Kathy Hochul, who recently remarked, in the most demeaning way possible, that black children in the Bronx are so uneducated that they do not even know the word computer.

The evidence exposing the many ways in which Democrats view inner-city black America as nothing more than a social experiment to keep Democrats in power, is so overwhelming that one would think the majority of blacks in America would have realized this truth and changed teams by now. The cycle of dependency created by these programs, however, has been too great. While a good many eyes have indeed been opened, unfortunately, we still have a long way to go. And the danger is that even more struggling Americans of all races will be ensnared in this spiral.

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