Growing a Counterculture of Community, Tradition, and Joy

In his article “‘Civilizations Die From Suicide’” Michael Snyder offers statistical evidence that “America is literally committing suicide right in front of our eyes. …” The numbers he cites do indeed point to a precipitous decline of the land of the free and the brave.

Our suicide rates have climbed to their highest point since 1941, that tag-end year of the Great Depression. In 2023, the American birthrate was the lowest ever recorded in our country’s history. Abortion rates have continued undeterred by the overturn of Roe v. Wade. Fanned by unchecked illegal immigration and progressive judges and courts, crime has been on the rise, particularly in our cities.

Meanwhile, attendance at church in the last 80 years has plummeted. As Snyder reports,

BQIn the late 1940s, nearly 80% of Americans said they belonged to a church, synagogue, mosque or temple, according to Gallup. Today, just 45% say the same, the analytics company noted, and only 32% say that they worship God in a house of prayer once a week.EBQ

In his tally, Snyder left out at least three other major signs of self-destruction, namely our massive and ever growing debt, our endless foreign wars, and our decaying system of public education.

Near the end of his article, Snyder writes, “If we stay on the road that we are currently on, our society will die. But if we reverse course and start doing what is right with all our hearts, anything is possible. We were once a light to the entire world, and we can be that light again.”

Right now, of course, many voters are hoping that Donald Trump as president can make that light shine once again in America. His promises to reduce inflation, seal the borders, and fight crime were three key commitments that earned him his victory.

Often overlooked in such attempts to rekindle the light in America are the countless little candles that citizens themselves are lighting around the country.

In November 2021, for instance, professor of philosophy, wife, and mother Jeanne Schindler founded the Postman Pledge group in Hyattsville, Maryland. Named after Neil Postman, author of the 1985 book Amusing Ourselves to Death, which was an early red flag warning about the destruction consequent to America’s fascination with electronic entertainment and communication, a group of 30 families jointly contracted to monitor their children’s involvement with smartphones and to keep a check on the use of electronic devices in the home.

Schindler and members of her group stress that the heart of the pledge is to foster human connectivity and relationships, or as the pledge itself states, to “cultivate the habits of attention and presence that allow us to grow in love of one another and of God.” Their gatherings, which include everyone from grandparents to babies, feature board game nights, field days, Scottish dancing, caroling at Christmas, and potlucks.

As word has gotten out about the group and its unique pledge, some schools, churches, and individuals from around the country have picked up this idea and run with it. Affiliations with Schindler’s group are loose and informal; it’s the pledge that counts.

Jonathan Haidt’s 2024 bestseller, The Anxious Generation: How the Great Rewiring of Childhood Is Causing an Epidemic of Mental Illness roused massive interest in the damage being done to the young by smartphones and social media, and so further enhanced interest in concepts like Schindler’s Postman Pledge.

In 2018, concerned by what she saw as a lack of community and an epidemic of loneliness, Vanessa Elias of Wilton, Connecticut founded “Block Party USA.” The aim of this grassroots organization is to encourage people around the country to “organize block parties, events where neighbors can get to know each other over food and drinks, with the ultimate goal of building community one block at a time.”

On the first Block Party weekend in Wilton, more than 1200 residents participated in 40 different parties. Since then, block parties have begun spreading, mostly by word of mouth and led by energetic men and women who see the value of this concept. On her website Elias explains how her organization can help interested individuals.

Does organizing a block party seem too daunting? That’s why Block Party USA is about simplicity. Please don’t aim for perfection. You trying to make it perfect means others feel they need to be perfect, too. And we all know perfection is a myth! Feeling awkward about approaching your neighbors? Block Party USA gives you ‘permission’ to reach out as part of a nationwide initiative.

Underreported by corporate media and ignored by many politicians, the Postman Pledge group and Block Party USA are only two of the candles illuminating our cultural darkness. Other such lights include academies and private colleges seeking to educate students in American history and Western values, authors and organizations encouraging marriage and the family, and much more.

These points of light are appearing everywhere. They’re real, and they’re beautiful, and they may well be the salvation of our republic.

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