Kamala Harris: Child of the Great Replacement

While she doesn’t cut a very impressive figure, Kamala Harris is a symbol for something much bigger than herself. A child of Jamaican and Indian immigrants, she would be the first U.S. president with parents who arrived during the great immigration wave which culminated in the 1965 Immigration and Nationality Act. The triumphalist narrative of her artificial campaign is based on propaganda that Americans have long internalized: diversity is good, white people are bad, America is a “nation of immigrants.”

The unceremonious discarding of her boss, Joe Biden, after decades of loyal service to the Democrats serves as a succinct metaphor for the so-called Great Replacement that has changed the face of the nation. In Kamala’s America, white men are obsolete, a “weird” caste of untouchables.

So far, Harris has not made her own race an explicit rhetorical theme.. But voters are expected to readily grasp the historic significance of her identity as potentially the first female president who is also nonwhite.. There is a subtext of racial retribution in her authoritarian pledge to “prosecute” Trump. Trump’s original sin is being the champion of a “racist” America that deserves to die, while Harris is the avenging, diverse girl boss whose time has come.

The fuss about calling Harris a “DEI hire” is typical of the self-delusion of a diversifying democracy, where standards of competence have given way to the obligation to avoid giving offense to protected groups. Until only a week ago, Harris was widely dismissed as a joke and a liability to her own party. Now that the political calculus has changed, she is beyond reproach. There is not even a pretense that Harris has done anything to deserve the highest office in the land. Voters are supposed to be impressed by what she represents. At the same time, they dare not point out that this is the very reason she is being promoted.

Harris’s campaign would like to present Harris as the face of inevitable racial progress. It operates under the same assumptions that  most politicians before Trump had about mass immigration: that mass immigration is  unstoppable and, besides that, for the country’s good. Since the Trump campaign has put mass deportations  on the table as a real option, Harris’s declaration that “we will not go back” is both a declaration of support for continued mass immigration, and  a message to the millions of illegal immigrants who have flooded the country since she was born.

The Democratic Party has pursued a strategy of changing the electorate through illegal immigration, which they have long boasted about in private while  forbidding anyone else to acknowledge it publicly. Harris’s core voters are the deracinated children of the “Great Replacement,” the kinds of people who burn American flags to support Palestine. These voters have no connection with pre-1965 America, and they eagerly await its destruction.

But Harris’s moment may have come too soon. The conventional wisdom is that she will alienate older whites in the Rust Belt. These are the remnants of the old America that Harris would replace. Old Scranton Joe was able to get these votes because he was able, until 2020 at least, to pass as a moderate who was born in the Rust Belt. Biden’s optics were crucial during the explosion of racial unrest in 2020, when statues of George Washington came tumbling down, and monuments to George Floyd went up. Harris infamously bailed out the rioters as America burned. Biden was the familiar, unassuming face of the revolution.

Joe served his purpose as a stalking horse and now he is being put to pasture. Harris now needs white votes and seeks them in the same way a wolf circles a fold of sheep. Some of these soft white lambs get eaten willingly, but stealth is needed for others.

Trump is making more than a superficial connection when he attacks Harris as a shifty race hustler. She is the prototypical new American and, Trump dares to suggest, that should trouble us. Her ethnic ambiguity is supposed to be an American ideal, but Trump is painting her as something else—a chameleon, somebody who plays identity politics to get ahead. Her shallow ambition and cynical race pandering are the stock and trade of the so-called elite who idealize an America that is featureless and hollow, just like them. 

In their eyes, Harris is the herald of America’s destiny. If elected, she can be trusted to do what they want. The last four years of open borders will continue, only faster. Anti-white race hate will fester. And Harris will embrace Third World lawfare to stop anyone in her way. 

Trump is challenging this supposedly glorious and inevitable future. He is giving the people something they did not have until he entered politics: a choice. 

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