If the U.S. must insert itself into the quagmire in the Middle East, there is one sane, humane, and politically prudent answer to the question of Palestinian resettlement.
Tag: Muslims
How Nations Die
England's invaders face less resistance than ever as they settle among an unarmed public led by self-hating flaccid clerks. This is how it ends.
Tech Brahmins Should Look at Indian Dysfunction First
Before criticizing America and American workers, people like Vivek Ramaswamy should consider the ramifications of importing India’s dysfunctional culture.
The Anti-White Totalitarians
The end game for the anti-white elites is to maintain control, marginalize and, if necessary, wreak destruction upon those who challenge their sway.
Charles Schumer: Jewish Bourbon
There is little excuse for Schumer’s shock, and his speech on anti-Semitism, delivered in his usual sanctimonious style, was unimpressive. It may have satisfied him. There is no reason it should satisfy anybody else.
Israel vs. Hamas: Where Have All the Feminists Gone?
As so often is the case, victim advocacy groups only voice concern for victims when their attackers are considered political opponents.
Will There Always Be an England?
Recent events raise the question whether an England that has imported so many different peoples of the world is still recognizable.