A noteworthy year full of developments in world affairs leaves us wary of the evil they reveal, and hopeful that this evil will never triumph.
Tag: Syria
Neocon Artistry and Its Discontents
The Neocons, with the political left, now comprise a uniparty elite that confuses the interests of the state with the interests of the American people.
From the Devil to the Deep Blue Sea
Has Uncle Sam indeed signed a Faustian bargain with the Israelis? If so, who is Mephistopheles in the tale?
Hezbollah Degraded
Benjamin Netanyahu’s decision to switch the focus from Gaza in the south to Hezbollah in the north was an operational success of the highest order and a political masterpiece.
Iran vs. Israel: De-Escalation Likely, for Now
In the fullness of time Israel will probably retaliate in some limited form, but under American pressure it will calibrate its response so that it does not prompt an uncontrollable spiral of escalation.
Syria: A Merciful Regime-Change Failure
The failure of the American-instigated jihadist rebellion in Syria is a good thing. America’s involvement in a faraway land, where no vital U.S. interest exists, was and is an inherently bad idea.