Author: Adam Mill (Adam Mill)

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It’s Biden’s Fault

It’s Biden’s Fault

President Joe Biden is in charge of the Secret Service. The fact that his lead political rival was nearly assassinated is Biden’s fault.

Alvin Bragg’s Witch Trial

Alvin Bragg’s Witch Trial

Bragg’s indictment repeatedly alleges Donald Trump made a false business entry to, “commit another crime and aid and conceal the commission thereof.” But Bragg does not specify what the original crime was.

U.S. Flunks Its Own Election Standards

U.S. Flunks Its Own Election Standards

Freedom House sees election corruption everywhere except in the U.S., where the government pays its bills, and the legal system coordinates with the administration to impoverish and imprison the conservative opposition.

Fourteen Russian Hoaxes and What Explains Them

Fourteen Russian Hoaxes and What Explains Them

In the ongoing effort to redefine the government’s relationship with American citizens and obtain control over their political speech and choices, hoaxes surrounding Russia have been the go-to play.

Who Paid the Authors of the Border Bill?

Who Paid the Authors of the Border Bill?

Everything we know about the so-called “bipartisan” border bill suggests that it is has been worked out at the behest of powerful interests that have nothing to do with the will or interests of the American people.

The Madness of King Joe

The Madness of King Joe

Six ways Joe Biden has demonstrated his affinity for authoritarianism and his corresponding contempt for the American people.

The Financial Black Swan is Already Here

The Financial Black Swan is Already Here

The Biden administration brags that it has figured out a way to get the benefits of declining inflation while continuing to grow the economy, but in reality they are merely kicking the can down the road.