Author: Dhimitrios Gheorghiou (Dhimitrios Gheorghiou)

Home Dhimitrios Gheorghiou

Fundraising Scandal

The China lobby was in full swing this summer, and once again the “If We Can Sell Every Chinaman Just One” crowd carried the day. By a wider than expected margin, the House of Representatives defeated a resolution revoking China’s Most Favored Nation status, letting both the Senate and the President off the hook. As...

Uncle Sam and the Third Balkan War

Uncle Sam and the Third Balkan War

Whenever you hear the New World Order crowd whining about the obligation of the “international community” to come to the rescue of a “multiethnic democracy” threatened by “nationalism,” get ready for Uncle Sam to be dragged off on a fool’s errand. This term, “multiethnic democracy,” the prime exemplar of which is supposedly the United States,...