Woke persons are not an unnatural aberration within the species, but rather, a natural Darwinian flush. They lay down their own genetic interests for the good of the species.
Author: Edward Dutton (Edward Dutton)
Finland, Democracy, and Those Cartoons
The Danish newspaper Jyllands Posten’s publication of the satirical cartoons depicting Muhammad prompted a crisis that touched the whole of Scandinavia. The drawings were greeted with outrage and violence from Muslims and their liberal defenders throughout the world. Danish flags were burned in Arab cities; Danish embassies were firebombed in Syria and attacked in London;...
The Meaning of Racism
Racism is the issue of our time, particularly in Britain, with her legacy of colonialism, and in the United States, with her history of slavery. Race is the ultimate taboo, and careers, such as that of Trent Lott in the United States or those of various British Conservative MPs, have been permanently ruined by one...
A Latter-Day Munich
Kosovo has become a latter-day Munich. Over the past decade, it has been stylish for advocates of American intervention in the Balkans to justify their trigger- happy meddling by invoking “Munich.” The argument runs roughly like this: Unless the “international community” (i.e., the United States under the guise of the U.N. or NATO) acts resolutely...