The gradual, deliberate banning of tackle football is apparent to avid fans. Those in charge will not stop until the game is completely transformed.
Category: Society & Culture
In Rose City, the Dream Has Wilted
Springfield's history provides important context for Donald Trump's wild tales of pet-eating Haitian emigres.
Woke Eugenics
Woke persons are not an unnatural aberration within the species, but rather, a natural Darwinian flush. They lay down their own genetic interests for the good of the species.
How the Medical Industry’s Consensus on Sex Changes Fell Apart
High-ranking officials in the Biden administration worked with a transgender NGO to promote mutilating sex-change procedures for minors, according to a recent court-ordered document release.
Nursing the Nation’s Population Replacement
America has a real nursing shortage but it’s not due to a shortage of immigrant healthcare workers or any of the other reasons routinely given by the oracles of respectable opinion.
Restless Work, Energetic Play
The family home is a last flickering outpost of liberty, though it is besieged from without by the school and the workplace and vitiated from within by mass entertainment.
The ‘Marxism’ Narrative Has Gone Too Far
Conservatives who fixate on Communism misunderstand the dynamic driving today’s left and bringing it to power. They are defending a Maginot Line around which the left has already made an end run.
Trump’s Guilty Verdict: The Electoral Effect
Empirical metrics and political trends suggest Donald Trump's new felonious status will help rather than harm his electoral prospects.
Racially Aggravated Crimes and the New Hate
The social justice warriors are at war against Western civilization. They rail against “white supremacy” because they see white people as inextricably bound with that civilization.
Republics Ancient and Postmodern: From Rome to America
That Trump is a would-be dictator has been a recurring narrative on the left for nearly a decade now—and so has the wish that he would be done away with, by one means or another—even violence, if necessary.
A Liturgy from Hell
Pope Francis has illicitly suppressed the extraordinary form of the Mass and forced an irreverent liturgy down our throats.
The Trouble with Gender Studies
At New College, we recently ditched the gender studies program, which did not benefit the college in any way but was, in fact, doing great harm.
Trans Lunacy: The Feminine Touch
The mothering instinct causes women to ensure everyone feels equally valued rather than “left out." This can have serious policy consequences when women occupy public office. Mothering does well in the home, but disastrously in government.
Lenin’s Tomb
Vladimir Lenin, by his confidence and cunning, left his impression on history and remains relevant 100 years after his death.
The Death of the Amateur
When college athletics abandons the spirit of play for the reality of pay.
How Do You Solve A Problem Like Francis?
Pope Francis is not dumb or naive. He is a subversive determined to destroy the Roman Catholic Church.
When Prayer Left Public Life
Sixty years ago the Supreme Court struck down school prayer. This hastened the process of overturning the Western tradition in which Christianity played an integral role in the life of nations.
The Death of Satire
The absurdity of the modern left, and rise of victim culture, make quality satire impossible. Absurdity is now taken seriously and cannot be mocked.
John F. Kennedy Remembered Without Tears
Kennedy mythology will be on full display for the 60th anniversary of JFK's murder. Despite all the adulation, the real JFK was a man who can only be described with a four-letter word: Fake.
Hate Speech for Thee, But Not for Me
South African courts—and western media—have ripped the mask off hate speech laws. Hate speech is not only acceptable but encouraged for anyone with eternal victim status.
Germany’s Right-Wing Political Miracle
The right leaning AfD is now the second-largest party in Germany, according to recent polls. No one expected this level of success when AfD was founded 10 years ago by a small band of dissatisfied conservatives.
Diversities True and False
Within the literature and the arts, it is the left that is the least diverse, and the most inward-looking and intolerant of different perspectives.
The Therapeutic Roots of Wokeism
A new order undergirded by therapism has taken form in the United States.
The Future of War
The United States and almost all other states are caught up in the biggest change in war in about 350 years. The state is losing its monopoly on war.
Of Innovators and Men
The forces of innovation, guided by the power elite, are directed against traditional societies and the objective moral order.
The Disintegrating Blue Line
Being a cop in America isn’t so cool anymore.
In Defense of Historicism
Studying the history of science makes it easier to resist the tyranny of the pandemic medical experts.
The Midwestern Identity
The distinctive regional "America," composed of Midwestern German and Scandinavian enclaves, lasted barely four decades, dying as a coherent entity sometime in the early 1950s.
Tulsi at the Turning Point
Tulsi Gabbard's farewell to the Democratic Party sounds more like a declaration of war. Most of her remarks would pass muster at a Trump rally.
The Religious Dilemma in the Modern World
Despite the widespread secularization of the modern world, religion and religious interests continue to grapple with the interests of the state.
Composer Anton Bruckner: A Sign of Contradiction in the Modern Age
Nineteenth-century composer Anton Bruckner was one of the last great Christian paladins of the arts to engage the enemies of our civilization. Our culture is dying today for the lack of such giants.
As English Goes, So Goes the U.S.
By undermining the Western canon in the 1990s, leftist academics paved the way for today’s ‘woke’ hurricane.
The Woke Mob Comes for a Marxist
For calling out the woke left, Frances Widdowson, an avowed Marxist, was fired from her tenured professorship at Mount Royal University.
The Healing That Wounds a Nation
The left's language of "healing" is actually a kind of linguistic programming that leads to endless racial strife.
Sidney Poitier and the Civilizing Act
Sydney Poitier’s films were mature examinations of blackness in American life. Unlike those who followed him, he demonstrated that acting civilized way is not a class or race privilege, but a human obligation.
The High Cost of Getting Started
Living at home with one’s parents and saving money is an increasingly attractive option for young, working adults facing high housing costs.
The Roots of America’s Mentally Ill Homelessness Crisis
The deinstitutionalization of the mentally ill has intensified the homelessness crisis across American cities.
The Struggle for the Soul of the Supreme Court
During Joe Biden’s 2020 campaign for president, when his fortunes were at their nadir, Joe Biden promised that he would nominate the first black woman to the United States Supreme Court. He reportedly made this pledge to James Clyburn (D-S.C.), the powerful African-American congressman, in return for Clyburn’s help in securing the black vote in...
The Not-So-Great Train Robbery
Late author Michael Crichton in 1975 wrote one of his best novels, The Great Train Robbery. Set in England in the 1850s, it is a roman à clef that tells the story of an elaborate heist staged by a a group of ambitious criminals. Their target was a cache of gold on a train traveling...
The Redemption of Saint-Saëns, 100 Years On
“I am merely a genius, not a god,” mystery writer Rex Stout’s fictional detective Nero Wolfe said. “A genius may discover the hidden secrets and display them; only a god can create new ones.” Such a genius was French composer Charles-Camille Saint-Saëns, who was born in Paris in 1835 and died at age 86 in...
Killing Ourselves
It has always been the practice of the state to try to undermine or eliminate other bodies and associations that rival it for affection and obedience, primarily the parish, guild, community, and family. The modern unified and ever-present state has developed this power to such an extent that in some cases, we are learning now,...
Is Biden Right? Does the Left Own the Future?
Before he appeared at his first solo news conference of 2022, President Joe Biden knew he had a communications problem he had to deal with. Namely, how to get off the defensive. How to avoid spending his time with the White House press corps defending his decisions and explaining his actions as allegations of failure,...
The Strange Origin of the Word ‘Nazi’
It is commonly assumed that the word “Nazi” is the contraction of Adolf Hitler’s political party, the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (NSDAP), or the National Socialist German Workers’ Party. But if that were true, then why did the Nazis hate being called “Nazi?” When the Nazis came to power, William Shirer notes in his Berlin Diary,...
Reassessing the Legacy of George Wallace
There was a very odd occurrence in the “Cradle of the Confederacy” in July 1987: Presidential aspirant and civil rights activist Jesse Jackson paid a visit to the Montgomery, Alabama, home of George Corley Wallace. It had been 126 years since Jefferson Davis stood on the steps of the Alabama capitol and been sworn in...
Hungary’s Stand Against the European Union
Western elites recently heaped scorn on the Hungarian government for passing child-protection legislation. The Land of the Magyars outlawed the portrayal of homosexuality and “sex reassignment” surgeries in school education material and television programs aimed at minors. Hungarians view the law as protecting children from radical ideologies about sex and gender, while European Commission President...
Conservatism Has Conserved Nothing
Conservatism has not conserved anything. This claim may appear ridiculous to those plagued by unwavering faith in the Republican Party and the conservative movement. After all, is it not conservatism that is holding the line against the left’s tyrannical agenda? To those in the know, however, the charge that conservatism has conserved nothing is so...
The Devils in the Demonstrators
I was chairman of the Annual Confederate Flag Day at the North Carolina State Capitol in March of 2019 when our commemoration was besieged by several hundred screaming, raging demonstrators—Antifa-types and others. It took a mammoth police escort for us to exit the surrounded Capitol building. I clearly recall the disfigured countenance, the flaming eyes,...
The Intersectional Constitution Comes Alive
The death of the sainted George Floyd has proven to be the ideal pretext for the left to accelerate its campaign of dismantling the markers of American historical identity. With lavish corporate and philanthropic support, radical activists are “resetting” America. This means mandating the instruction of Critical Race Theory in public schools; replacing the American...
The Prairie Populist Historian
William Appleman Williams (1921-1990) was dean of the New Left School of American diplomatic history. As one of the most influential American historians in the ’60s and ’70s, he gained a national audience for his anti-war, anti-globalist, and anti-imperial views. Odd as it might seem, it would be more likely these days that Patrick Buchanan...
Massacre of the Guards
What began as an impromptu and uncoordinated eruption of violence in an upstate New York prison soon morphed into a hostage crisis and siege that gripped the nation and claimed the lives of 43 people. The most famous prison riot in American history took place at Attica Correctional Facility in New York’s Wyoming County...